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Everything posted by K-9

  1. It’s a league wide issue attributable to the practice rules negotiated in the CBA.
  2. Josh has a juggs machine in his ass.
  3. Not to mention the third round comp pick in the 2023 drsft.
  4. Good players, when in a position to make a play, make a play more often than not. It’s for that reason that I can’t say our CBs are good. They’re adequate and that just won’t cut it consistently. That’s also why they won’t get the benefit of the doubt when they clutch and grab.
  5. Yeah, it’s nice that we have guys in position to make plays but as to what else are they supposed to do? How about making the mother F ing play! Between last week and this week, our DBs simply can’t make a big play when it’s needed and that doesn’t bode well considering we will be facing some more very good receivers but in the weeks to come.
  6. I know you’re joking and your point about Edmunds in run D is more than fair, but he is greatly missed in pass defense. As I said in another thread, since he left the Vikings game, the middle of the field has been open a ton. He influences passes to that area of the field, period.
  7. Ever since Edmunds left the game last week, the middle of the field has been a feast for opposing OCs in the passing game. We miss his ability to influence those pass attempts big time.
  8. That makes sense given the quick turnaround time to ready the field for a Lions home game on Thursday.
  9. If the 2014 snowmageddon game is any indication, the Bills logo will be at midfield and the end zones will have the B I L L S name stenciled on as well.
  10. That’s because the charge was complete bullcrap from the get go.
  11. This is wrong in every way a post can be wrong. I believe it is the most wrong post in the history of this forum as having the wrong player is actually the least wrong thing about it. Just utterly clueless in every possible way cluelessness can be. Well done. Congrats.
  12. True, but your aunt Anita has elite 3-cone agility. She’d be a tough assignment for any LB.
  13. I root for the Netherlands as well. And for no other reason than for as long as I’ve watched international sporting events, no team, regardless of the sport they’re engaged in at the time, has more fun than a team from the Netherlands. From soccer, to speed skating to curling, the Netherlands teams and their fans enjoy it like it’s the last time they’ll enjoy anything on earth.
  14. The Pegulas and others in the organization were hurt by Eichel’s trade demands so soon after his extension kicked in and he had reassured them that he wanted to be here. Deciding to air his surgery disgruntlement and then blatantly lying about it is another indicator of what a giant masshole he really is.
  15. Geriatric ex Dolphins toasting champagne as I type this.
  16. Perhaps the most full of crap OP in the 26+ years we’ve been discussing this team in a forum.
  17. Not saying that at all. Are you kidding me? But no, there is no film on Keenum and the Bills unless you think seven attempts in mop up duty of two blowout wins is anything meaningful for them to glean any tendencies from. Not having game film with Keenum at QB for the Bills may complicate their preparation to some small degree.
  18. Evaluating a GM on a single game? That’s an absurd proposition.
  19. What QB is Minnesota preparing for? I hope it’s Keenum because they have ZERO to go on in that regard.
  20. You have to reside for 180 days in the District of Columbia to be subject to DC income taxes. And of course local sales taxes contribute to local tax revenues, like every place else in the country. But yeah, if one is so outraged at the lawsuit, then they should refrain from buying any goods or services in DC to be sure they aren’t contributing.
  21. I have no interest in debating the merits of the case. I merely wanted to correct the record by saying that unless you are a DC citizen, none of your tax dollars go into funding the DC AG or any part of the local DC government as was suggested in the post I responded to.
  22. Aside from federal grants which go to all 50 states as well, no federal tax dollars fund the local DC government budget, including the DC district attorney who is elected to office by the citizens of Washington, DC. Our tax dollars have nothing to do with his office.
  23. Obviously. Because any time you lose your best player it makes your team better.
  24. Disagree. On that first pass, Josh placed it between the two defenders right where it needed to be. The safety was closing fast.
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