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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I’d add Butler, who left us in cap hell, Donahoe, and Greg Williams who thought nothing of dismantling a top defense because he could “stop the run with numbers.”
  2. Won’t move the needle much at all, especially compared to how he did in interviews during the week. The game is secondary to what occurs during the week. One reason team personnel go home after the last practices and player availability for interviews has past. I’m sure a segment of fans and media will be swayed, though. But that matters even less.
  3. “If you see the guy open, you’re too late.” Perhaps the single most consice explanation of a QB’s challenge as a passer in the NFL.
  4. ^This. The real value for the talent evaluators is talking to prospects, observing their practices and drills, and seeing how quickly they assimilate new coaching and schemes. The game itself tells them little they don’t already know.
  5. Is it appropriate for McD, Beane, Daboll et al to be lining up potential replacement candidates at this moment?
  6. I agree with that entire scouting report. That’s why he’s a development project. If he can’t adapt his game and improve over the next couple years, we move on. I’ll quibble a little bit in that he has shown an ability to get the ball out on time at the top of his dropback. Whether or not Daboll’s scheme relies as much on those timing routes that take advantage of that remains to be seen. Peterman may not be a project he sees as much value in as a result.
  7. My apologies for not having seen those other posts. Just not enough pro experience to go on. I know his earlier college years were an adventure, but his senior year was marked by major improvement. All in the eye of the beholder, I guess. But I think it’s too early to label him an abject failure.
  8. I’m 50/50 on Peterman but I’m wondering if this observation is all based on the Chargers game and mop up duty vs. Jax? Because if you que up some of his college footage, especially his masterpiece against the eventual national champ Clemson on the road in Death Valley, there are examples of him standing in under pressure long enough to make a play and then getting creamed in the process. The very definition of composure. Not sure I can label him otherwise based on a bad half and a series of football.
  9. Darby’s value was relative to the scheme, though. He is just not a good match for McD’s preferrences. The fact we didn’t miss him at all seems to bear that out. And the potential value of the third round pick we acquired for Darby has yet to be realized as well.
  10. Bucky Gleason couldn’t be any more less connected to both the Bills and Sabres if he tried. He has been purposely ignored, as have several in the local media, since 2011. That is a directive from on high. As as for the piece in today’s news, Bucky covered all the bases, with the idea of Petermen being just one of them. He expertly narrowed the QB question down to a free agent, a trade, a draft pick, or someone already on the roster.
  11. I think the term "touch pass" is a foreign concept to him.
  12. But it's just not in the eyes of the scouts and other personnel people that are there. It would have been preferable, a way to add some pluses in the plus column if he participated, but that's not the same thing as attaching any red flags because he isn't. Next week I'll be privy to a little info and I won't be shocked to learn that he did very well in his interviews this week. I think we'll learn he actually checked a couple of boxes in that plus column. I think you and other fans may be projecting their own disappointment because they needed to see him in action this week. I'm disappointed, too.
  13. Sure it would have been nice, but it’s not nearly the disaster you seem to think it is, either. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING these players do on the field the field this week is going to amount to more or less than what they’ve put on video over the course of their college careers. Rudolph has been seen in person by the scouting community numerous times. They will get a close up sense of how the ball comes out when he is asked to workout by various teams over the next couple of months, too. It is only a disappointment for fans who want to see him perform, but not the teams on hand at the Senior Bowl. Rudolph is making an impression on them, regardless.
  14. Making Kelly the highest paid player in the league went a long way towards salving the wound of having to play in Buffalo. He could have sat a year and re-entered the draft after the USFL folded but not even Jimbo was that stupid at the time.
  15. Right? Hey, I bet you had no clue that decision making has to be quicker inside the red zone because the field is shorter and more congested. That article was chock full of groundbreaking insights.
  16. Yeah. I just skimmed it and thought it was funny he mentioned that Mayfield struggles when you disrupt his rhythm.
  17. QBs struggle when their rhythm is disrupted? Who knew?! Ground breaking analysis.
  18. He will have plenty of opportunity to do all that between now and the draft and under a lot more focused scrutiny by teams interested in him. He’s made himself available to meet this week and that’s probably more important at this juncture. It would have been a bonus for him to play, but it’s not a negative at all. On another note, I’ve see a lot of worry about the offense he ran in college. That’s not the issue for me. Rather it’s the defenses, or lack thereof, that he was exposed to. College DCs tend to play the same coverage schemes week after week vs. these kinds of offenses. That is the major challenge imo.
  19. Senior Bowl is a piece of the puzzle. Whether or not it’s minor depends on how these players respond during these week. Not much will be discovered in terms of physical ability, but how a player performs in interviews, interacts with teammates, assimilates new schemes, etc., can be determinative much of the time.
  20. It figures that Eichel would be involved in a high percentage of our scoring, but I think that’s a bit of a double edged sword on such a low scoring team. That’s not a knock on Jack at all, but he’s all we got. A point a game player on a team this poor offensively is truly amazing though. As for Harrington, I agree. But there is no need to insult asses like that.
  21. Jack now a shade over a point per game. Very nice considering the slow start.
  22. My favorite Wilkerson photo. Freakishly long arms.
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