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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Fletcher Cox is gonna go off on Sunday and the Eagles offense is extremely diverse in terms of spreading it around making it more difficult for Belichick to take away their one offensive strength. If the Eagles can run the ball, I like their chances. Cox may end up the MVP if the Eagles do win it.
  2. I think the “bridge________” should become an official NFL position designation and rosters expanded to 75 to accommodate the influx of players. Every position, from bridge QB to bridge longsnapper, would be bolstered by new depth until “franchise” players are found at the various positions.
  3. I think he’s referring to the loveability factor of Freddy and Kyle. We have had All Pros come through Buffalo that never made that kind of connection with the fan base. Tre White seems to embrace Buffalo like Freddy and Kyle, too.
  4. Outside of tagging him, which they won’t do, it’s not up to the Bills whether he stays or not. You can’t “get rid of” something you don’t have control over.
  5. I continue to be amazed at forum members with so much access to such diverse components involved in the operation of an NFL team. It's like the scouting department is tied into the pro personnel department is tied into all of the front office thinking on cap ramifications, trades, and other player movements. NOBODY in ANY organization, with the exception of a few highly placed front office people, including ownership when they care to be apprised, is privy to everything going on in so many different facets of the business.
  6. Can never have enough quarterbacks.... ...or long snappers.
  7. We ran zones about half the time under Roman/Lynn; most of that of the inside zone variety. As I said, our personnel was no stranger to the concepts and were quite good at both zone and man blocking schemes. I would quibble just a tad about the bold text as how a defender is aligned dictates whether you block him man up or zone, whether it’s a an inside run or an outside run. If the defender is lined up directly in front of the OLman, that OLman has to fire straight out and engage him man up. If the defender is in a gap, then the OL can take their angled step (for an inside zone scheme) or their lateral step (for an outside zone scheme).
  8. Schemology belongs to the OC. So whether we run inside or outside zone blocking or man, it’s what the scheme of the OC dictates. The personnel on our OLine is well acquainted with zone blocking concepts, which we’ve run a lot of over the years. Gailey ran some but not as much as Roman or Lynn who ran zone concepts about half the time. The big difference between Roman/Lynn and Dennison was that Dennison wanted to use more outside zone schemes vs the inside stuff that Roman/Lynn preferred. A case could be made that our personnel is better suited for the inside stuff and we showed improvement when Dennison listened to his players on their preferences for more inside zone, but the idea that they can’t run outside zone blocking at all doesn’t make sense to me as they have done it in the past. While not the leading rushing team team in the league, we were still a damn good running team last season, regardless.
  9. Lol! I’m positive they don’t all have a sense of humor. Another one with no faith in joke writers.
  10. Several funny people are writing the material for the non funny people to deliver. And you never know who’s gonna rif with some spontaneous improv, either. This will be a funny roast, regardless.
  11. Chadwick is up there, no doubt but there have been numerous polarizing figures in the 22 years this community has been exchanging ideas. And unanimously well loved figures would be good candidates, too, for that matter.
  12. Now that’s an inspired thread topic. Gotta be Scott, right? But no matter who’s the first, there will be no shortage of material, real or made up.
  13. You should have more faith in the joke writers for the event.
  14. Everyone is eligible to get roasted. From Genghis Khan to Mother Teresa. Nobody is above (or below) a good old fashioned ball busting.
  15. Powerful piece by AW. The league should get him on the rookie symposium circuit so he can share his story and convey to them the importance of never taking the game and the fans that cheer for you for granted. Hell, there are some veteran players who could stand to hear that lesson as well. God speed, Aaron Williams. Hope you can make it back to Buffalo for a game or two. That was the consensus among the scouts around the league as well.
  16. Yeah, I’m a big Welliver fan, too. First thing I remember seeing him in was ‘Deadwood’ and thought he brought a ton to the role he played, even though he wasn’t too major a character. Love him in ‘Bosch’ and I can see why Michael Connelly feels the way he does.
  17. I haven’t read your previous posts for context, but if Taylor is running the offense the way he wants, how can McDermott be unhappy with it?
  18. I learned many things from the smith trade including how to maintain proper forge temperature and that Valyrian steel can slay wights.
  19. NFL football has been a loss leader for the four major networks for years. But there’s a method to the madness as carrying the most popular sport on TV has an impact on the lead-in to the prime time programming that they plug during football telecasts.
  20. I'm as glad as the next guy that we made the playoffs and gave Jax all they could handle, at least defensively, on the road. That said, we made the playoffs in a fluke fashion. That's nothing to apologize for, but we are a very flawed team in key areas. Indeed, outside our secondary, OL, Shady, and perhaps TE if Clay is healthy, we need upgrades. Major ones at that.
  21. True. But Cousins fixes Denver's biggest problem and the main reason they were bad last year. Really poor QB play.
  22. Good call here. Vikings may be the dark horse that ends up with him.
  23. Well, I disagree in that Denver's D is built to play with leads and I think Cousins may give them that more often than not. Their front seven is leaps and bounds better than ours. That said, I do think they missed Wade Phillips' scheming last year.
  24. I hadn't seen your remark about the receivers before I posted the same thought. I agree.
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