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Everything posted by K-9

  1. You got that right. If Luck comes back 100%, Frank will be half way there at least.
  2. I always liked the scene where Butch Cassidy whips Harvey Logan.
  3. I see it the other way around; who we draft might be the key to Brian Daboll.
  4. How did you determine which three games to review for each QB? Was there certain criteria or were the games selected randomly?
  5. That’s just it, isn’t it? A player’s value is solely in the eye of the beholder. There is little rhyme or reason it seems. I think a lot of it has to do with sheer desperation to fill the most important position in sports. Often, a small sample size can work to a player’s advantage, too; not enough examples of crappy play to dissuade a team from making rash decisions.
  6. Aw man, I live for the Lehner shootout moment! He literally didn't stop ONE shootout shot attempt last season. Not. One. But he's 1 for 2 this year, so he's trending upward.
  7. He plays with passion when he feels like it. No amount of coaching is going to change that. If coaches like Bowles and Carroll can't harness it, nobody will as no amount of coaching can instill football character. Is there a chance he suddenly grows up and figures it out? Perhaps, but at 27 years old, I have my doubts. Not worth the investment to find out, imo.
  8. I'd be shocked if McBeane brought in Richardson. He's an immature headcase and completely devoid of the required "football" character to maximize his talent.
  9. Hey, anybody can get their V Davises mixed up. Here a V Davis, there a V Davis, everywhere a V Davis, V Davis.
  10. Pretty sure he went to a Illinois
  11. Not following that. If anything, it seems Belichick fulfilled the destiny he was always meant to achieve. He was a football prodigy if such a thing exists.
  12. Bucky Brooks is perhaps the most qualified at what he does.
  13. Was a magazine at a doctor's office, perhaps 'Psychology Today' but not sure of the month/year. I'll do some digging and see what if I can find it somewhere.
  14. Neuroscience is making inroads in this area, especially in the predictive aspects of violent and other behaviors. Recently read an article about neuroscience and free will which was extremely interesting and provocative.
  15. Every few months? I wish it were that infrequent as according to The Gun Violence Archive, there have been 29 mass shootings in the US since the new year began. This is a uniquely American phenomenon. http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/mass-shooting?page=1
  16. No doubt. It's a good sign that they can find losing Jack as something to galvanize them and rally around. But we've been slowly turning the ship since the new year as players other than Eichel have started to come around. Hope they keep it up. Especially on the back end as they are beginning to look like they're figuring out what Housley wants. Much better decision making lately.
  17. Jack played the whole game vs. the Isles and was a star in that game. So, 2 out of 3 without Jack.
  18. Bills will have to move up in increments like the Eagles did to get Wentz if they want to entice the Giants, imo.
  19. I can see valid reasons to keep him. But I don’t confuse that with thinking he’s a very good QB; just the best we have at the moment.
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