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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Pretty sure that’s God doing shadow puppets. Why, just the other night he did the flying bird.
  2. This is a total crock. ALL available information? The exact OPPOSITE of this is true for you to reach your conclusions. Educated man, my ass. You’re either trolling or woefully and willfully ignorant.
  3. Lol. Wu was the best. “Swedgin!” Hang Dai, Wu. Hang f-ing dai.
  4. No ****, Sherlock. I was making a reference to another long time poster who also changed his moniker. And Tom throws as much crap as he ever did, anyway.
  5. Last I saw it, that crap throwing monkey was hanging out with some dude who was eating crayonz.
  6. It’s definitely one of the ways. Ancient mariners knew the earth was round by observing ship masts growing longer as they appeared over the horizon and moved closer. The most illiterate sailors knew the earth was round thousands of years ago.
  7. I think Kane can do just that. Just go off over a 16 game stretch in the kind of games he’s never played in. His style is tailor made for playoff hockey even when considering his puck hogging ways. So he has a great playoffs, the fans in San Jose fall in love, and the Sharks front office offers him that moon you mentioned. Then, after he signs his deal, he returns to normal, their locker room implodes, they miss the playoffs and we end up winning the lottery with that 2019 pick of theirs.
  8. I suppose you don’t believe that the inverted lighthouses that guide submarines aren’t real, either.
  9. Flame on? Who is flaming anything here? My point is that Cosell was way out of line when he made that assessment and the ONLY reason he has a chance to be right is because other QBs in that draft have proved to be poor while he hasn’t done ANYTHING in the league to DISPROVE he doesn’t suck. Thus my remark that Cosell was right for all the wrong reasons.
  10. These intentional ignoramuses need to do what the ancient mariners did thousands of years ago and observe ships at sea as their masts and hulls come more in to view as they move over the horizon. Even the most illiterate sailors have known the earth is round for thousands of years.
  11. Heck, I’ll go as far as to say he was right! But for all the wrong reasons.
  12. I agree. Anything that tarnishes the brand is a negative impact on the business. I'm just saying it's not always necessarily a financial impact and perhaps KP was alluding to that kind of damage? Good point about ratings, too .While the league won't lose any of the money already guaranteed under the current deal, it will be interesting to see if the networks and other media outlets leverage any ratings decline in the next negotiations. Personally, I think the biggest impact on ratings is the sheer staleness of the product to consumers. I know it is for me, anyway. "Oh look, the Patriots*** are in the Super Bowl again."
  13. Ah yes, the Bleacher report of scouts’ takes. I don’t believe a word of it because no league scout is offering up anything genuine about any of their findings. Not before the draft and not after the draft. Anything said about prospects that actually comes from personnel evaluators at this time is nothing more than smoke as everybody gets ready to rob the same annual train.
  14. I’m not necessarily doubting your info, but are there any hard studies on the negative economic impact of the player protests on NFL bottom lines? I doubt there was little if any at all. Sure, there are the spattering of fans burning NFL merchandise on YouTube along with some social media declarations of fans vowing never to watch a game again, but are they enough to offset the billions of dollars in revenue already guaranteed to the league? It would hav to be a grass roots movement in the millions to start having an impact. I just don’t see it.
  15. Not the same Kraft, but I should have gotten the joke. Thanks.
  16. I guess Mayock’s agent isn’t representing any QB prospects this year. Gotta shill for players at other positions.
  17. Well, since Russ Brandon never made a draft pick decision in his life, this is kind of a moot point.
  18. He could have brought up any university to make his point but, since Alabama is the preeminent program in the country, I think it underscored his point in a more emphatic way. When reading his comments in context there is nothing disparaging said about Alabama but about the NCAA instead. I can see how insecure Alabama fans (like they need to be in the first place) might think otherwise though.
  19. I can understand why it may be unwise in the first link, but he is spot in the second link. Education and football schedules don’t mix well in the college setting and it takes a fully committed student to achieve excellence in both at a high level at major universities. Especially when, as he says, college is the ONLY legit avenue to the pros for those players who aspire to the next level.
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