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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I suspect McD took one look at the game tapes from the final few games of the ‘16 season and told Whaley don’t bother. You can’t hide the kind of quit that going into self-preservation mode exposes. Can’t see Z Brown being a McD kind of player.
  2. Really? I admire his marketing skills, but I can't see the league allowing blatant advertising like that. Unless of course it's a multi-national firm offering them hundreds of millions for the privilege. What's next, accident attorneys?
  3. Absolutely. As we've been saying, mariners and others had it figured out long before the Dark Ages. "Centricity" is an interesting concept to me. In my former life in my travels, I used to enjoy going to libraries in various countries around the world and looking at their maps. Quite a different orientation when looking at Asia-centric maps, etc.
  4. Is he that insecure that he has to wear it on his uniform so everybody knows? I'm sure I'm in the minority here and I'll get flamed and I understand that, but why draw attention to your accomplishments in such a garish fashion? Seems self-centered and, well, insecure as I said. There have been other highly intelligent, accomplished players that just never saw the need to plaster their credentials this way. Now, if he officially changes his name to include the "MD" at the end of it, I fully understand.
  5. Euro-centric indeed. Somebody mentioned up thread that vast knowledge was lost in the Middle Ages so much of what we've learned is only recent. I kept thinking, "Yeah, lost in Europe, maybe, but the rest of the world, particularly the Middle East and Asia, were advancing all sorts of scientific knowledge."
  6. No. It makes you a willfully ignorant dumbass. This is the second time you've thrown out the idea that you've referenced "all information" when, if that really was the case, you couldn't possible believe what you've posted relative to the shape of the earth as all of the information relative to the subject refutes the notion that it is flat. You haven't studied basic information, let alone all information. That's why I suspect you're simply a troll.
  7. What’s the NFL QB equivalent of winning the Oscar for best actor? Because until TT achieves that, he is rungs below Nicolas Cage.
  8. Ah, it was a rhetorical jab at Reed83. Got it. I was looking at it from a more expanded definition of the word as I’ve long been struck by the seeming conflict of the pure religious commitment of the Jesuits vs their dedication and numerous contributions to science. Seeming conflict to those who feel science and religion are somehow intertwined, that is. I’ve never felt that way.
  9. Wow. That NASA employee showed remarkable constraint. The store manager should have put that guy out on his ass for hassling his customers. That said, if that is emblematic of the level of intellect for the average flat earther, they’ve got bigger problems than their beliefs. Not sure why you ask that question, but would you consider Jesuit priests to be oblates?
  10. Fortunately, science is skeptical and does just that. But, like questioning the shape of the earth in 2018, there are realms of settled science that are a simply a waste of time to question so the idea of questioning “everything” seems obtuse to me.
  11. Not so much an interesting stat as it is indicative.
  12. Since you can’t have pass interference until the ball is in the air and it has to be catchable anyway when it is in the air, the sack scenario and question of a poor pass or not don’t apply. Sure there is no guarantee that a ball will be caught, but it’s guaranteed it won’t be when a defender illegally interferes. That’s especially egregious when it’s done in the endzone and you’re robbed a potential TD otherwise. Anyway, if the rule is changed, defenders will be coached to intentionally interfere if they’ve been beaten deep. And if a team “picks on you” with a speedster, it’s on you to defend that. Cheap, intentional 15 yard penalties is not a defense. Find a DB that can cover or get beat. You almost make it sound like it’s not a good thing for an offense to have that kind of weapon.
  13. Pro day is a different animal than the combine entirely. Makes sense he could hurt his stock when he didn’t perform well in a scripted, rehearsed performance with receivers he’s known forever. But if I had to put the most weight on something, it would be how he did at private team workouts and interviews subsequent to that.
  14. Agree it’s not a good idea. Gonna be open season on every receiver who beats his man deep.
  15. FFS, given the ever-changing face of the earth from outer space due to its continuous atmospheric changes, you should be MORE suspicious of two exactly alike images.
  16. It was his entire body of work throughout college and his post college path to the draft that contributed to where he was drafted, nothing less. I strongly doubt anyone made a draft determination on him based on his combine performance. It’s just too near the beginning of the process to have that much of an impact. Edit: it’s a moot point as it was posted earlier that he is one of several prominent prospects over the years to not throw at the combine.
  17. What’s not? Flat earth nut jobs aren’t professing their beliefs today or didn’t in the past? What’s not, exactly? Be specific; at least to the degree you are able. Like I said earlier, you are either a troll or woefully and willfully ignorant. Either way, you aren’t capable of reasoned dialog, let alone learned.
  18. No doubt but, like I said, if his motion doesn’t impact his ability to get it out on time and with enough velocity to get it there, they will leave it alone, most likely.
  19. It certainly was and is still believed that the earth is flat as this thread sadly illustrates. And some, especially clergy and the ignoran, professed and continue to profess it, certainly. I’m asking when scholars actually taught it in academic settings, since it’s been known, even among the most illiterate of their times, for thousands of years that the earth is spherical. We were taught myths that Columbus’ crew were afraid of falling off the edge of the earth on their voyage but sailors were actually educated on the subject and had been for milenia by 1492. That’s the only reference to the subject of flat earth I can recall from school personally. That’s just wrong.
  20. Ok, I’ll bite. When did “academia” ever teach that the world was flat?
  21. Not necessarily. While I agree with the larger point about mechanics, especially lower body mechanics, whether or not a coach decides to re-work a throwing motion depends on whether or not that motion is a detriment to getting a ball out on time and with enough velocity. If Darnold can spin it with elite speed, they won’t mess with it.
  22. These agents tend to over think things. Unless there is a medical issue (and that’s gonna be checked, anyway) there is nothing to lose by throwing and nothing to gain by not throwing. It’s still early in the evaluation process in terms of assigning grades so it makes little sense not to participate.
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