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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Remains to be seen. Should have a better idea in a couple years.
  2. I think he needs to be a full time, hand on the ground DE.
  3. Oh no, we lost our bridge linebacker!
  4. Preston won’t take that standing offer sitting down.
  5. Sorry, but I only read your OP and the conflation of rookie wages with future wages at particular positions didn’t make sense to me. If you have gone on to better explain and clarify your point in subsequent posts, great. But, like your unwillingness to further explain, I have the same nondesire to read it at this point.
  6. I think it means lack of understanding of the rookie wage scale.
  7. This has been predicted. Not sure it’s gonna be Hughes though.
  8. Brooks, having been in the scouting trenches before, has very good contacts around the league and he’s never been a shill for agents as far as I know, so I wonder how much his mocks reflect what he’s hearing around the community.
  9. Can’t be a surprise to anyone that Brown hasn’t been signed yet. Gaines’ situation is a little surprising but understandable given his availability issues.
  10. Yep. It’s also all fun and games until his wideouts start getting frustrated with his reluctance to throw the ball. I can’t see Haley using a lot of timing concepts as a result.
  11. People also forget he's 21. I don't care how smart you are, at 21 you simply don't have the life experiences that act as informed filters and he's not afraid to voice his opinion. If that threatens some in the establishment, more power to him. I can see him using a successful football career as a platform to support his positions and, again, I say more power to him.
  12. I think it's gonna take another move up to 7 to ease Gettlemen's fears of missing out on a blue chip talent they have targeted.
  13. I've seen several article citing ex-teammates extolling his virtues as a teammate and leader. They are on record. Conversely, I've only seen anonymous charges to the contrary. He's bright, opinionated, and not afraid to put himself out there and if chewing out a teammate because he screwed up an assignment is wrong, give me more. I remember Kelly's first game vs. the Jest back in the day and he was chewing out his lineman and telling them to give him more time because guys were getting open. Ask Chris Burkett how long he lasted when held accountable by Kelly. I like the fact he won't shy away from telling a 10 year vet to get with it. Goes with the territory of the position.
  14. I humbly submit that we aren’t nearly as bereft of talent at WR and TE as has been reported in these parts.
  15. I get the impression that Allen is more of the Dorsey/Haley prototype.
  16. Then he's a stupid agent if he thinks that spreading rumors about him signing with the Pats*** creates a market because the very nature of signing with a team CLOSES the market.
  17. Somebody is getting packaged in a trade to TB is my guess. Moving up to 7 puts us in a position to ease the fears of Indy or NYG missing out on a non QB player they like. If Cleveland, Jest, and Broncos go QB, that non QB player they like will slip to 7. Some great prospect is going to fall.
  18. Training camp fodder usually don't get two year deals. Not saying he won't end up getting cut, but the length of the deal tells me they are interested on more than a space filler basis.
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