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Everything posted by K-9

  1. McCarron is going to hit the field and moon the fans? Helluva way to make an entrance. Shows a rare swagger indeed.
  2. Teams can talk themselves out of anything. There’s always too many holes to fill. But the depth of the perpetual QB hole is deeper than all the other holes combined. Time to go get one.
  3. I think so, too. I would spend next year's 1 in order to keep a two this year.
  4. I see that. So 12, 21, and what else to get to two?
  5. Interesting thought here. If the Colts are looking for additional draft assets, 6 could still be in play for us and that would give us more ammo to make a deal with the Giants at 2 who would still be able to get one of the blue chip targets at the top of the draft.
  6. Giants are the target. It’s the only way to guarantee you get your man. It will cost a ton, including next year’s one, but that’s the price of doing business and well worth it for a QB.
  7. Blue chip prospect in the draft, not on a current roster. 12 is too far back for a team to get a blue chip prospect they want.
  8. Nuts, but not surprising. Like Buddy always said, everybody is trying to rob the same train. 'Tis the season for information warfare.
  9. It's not that dramatic. If Beane or anyone gets a whiff of an anti- Buffalo attitude in an interview, they won't waste their time. But nothing this kid has said publicly about where he wants to play suggests he won't want to play in a certain place. People point to his quote about going later in the draft if it's a better situation, but taken in context, that's a totally benign comment. Did I mention Bruschi is an idiot?
  10. Bruschi is an idiot. If there is ANY chance Rosen has intimated he doesn't want to play in Buffalo, that will have been fleshed out long before they draft him. Did I mention Bruschi is an idiot? He should think more before spouting nonsense.
  11. Bold italics in large font. Suggesting a rare clarity of thought and foresight. Nice.
  12. You got that right. Anything less than a Super Bowl and their season will be considered a bust. No pressure there. I suspect Cousins will be speaking at a pitch two octaves higher if they struggle and the fans and media start getting antsy.
  13. Not from OBD, from PSE. If it were a case where Wood just up and retired, I’m sure they would have sought arbitration to recoup some bonus and then add it back to their cap. And Overdorf certainly looked at the possibilities. But because the retirement was forced due to injury and arbitration would most likely favor the player in that situation, it wasn’t worth pursuing. It’s not like a “Barry Sanders” rule scenario here. So the best the team could hope for in terms of the cap was to wait, waive him injured, and reach a favorable injury settlement with Wood. It’s my understanding that’s what they are doing.
  14. Didn’t mean to imply that you did. Others have though. The Bills aren’t looking to take back any bonus, so I’m not sure what the NFLPA is looking at.
  15. I’m grateful to RI for doing that but I wonder if these guys refusing pay cuts are going to end up signing for much more than they refused in the first place.
  16. Rodak alludes to nothing about the Bills wanting money back from Wood. At that time there was a misunderstanding about the impact on the cap if he announced his retirement in January and Beane and Co. wanted to dot their Is and cross their Ts with the league and NFLPA to ensure proper compliance. It comes down to cap management and designating him a post June 1 cut when the time is right because that benefits the cap situation best. There has been nothing to indicate a squabble over bonus money or a legal issue as has been implied.
  17. Bills aren’t asking for any amount back. They are simply minimizing their cap exposure by having him wait to be designated a post June 1st cut. There is no acrimony as has been implied by some. They will go through the formality of an injury settlement that keeps him whole and then have the celebratory retirement announcement that was delayed previously.
  18. Correct. He will be a post June 1 designation and waived injured with a settlement that keeps his bonus intact.
  19. But it’s not about how they looked in March; it’s about the resume established over the course of their college careers. As to how this this class compares pre-draft? I thinks it is in the Winston/Mariota and Wentz/Goff range.
  20. I don’t want to get into it and won’t belabor the point. I’ll just say Fletcher and Brown couldn’t be more disparate MLBs. And the number of tackles an LB makes is perhaps the most dubious stat in the game. I will also predict that no matter who they replace him with, whether it’s a rookie or free agent, there won’t be any drop off in performance.
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