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Everything posted by K-9

  1. EVERY QB that ever played has been dependent on his surrounding personnel. Every. One. It is just that elemental.
  2. Regarding that Garoppolo comparison, I hope Rudolph is better at holding a football. "Laces down, Jimmy!"
  3. I agree. He is tailor-made for the offenses those teams run and he'd get into a sit and learn situation with all of them. Personally, I don't want my rookie QB to have that kind of pressure unless he's an Andrew Luck ready coming out and, other than Rosen, I don't see one in this draft.
  4. I don't necessarily disagree and I didn't post what I did as an endorsement. Just thought it was interesting what some in the scouting community had to say. Personally, I think Rudolph is already a better prospect coming out. But like you said, it means little until we see a prospect transition to the next level.
  5. As some may or may not know, I've been friends with a few NFL scouts for years now. One of them retired a couple years ago but he still stays in touch with the guys out in the field. He says the community is comparing Rudolph to Garoppolo coming out and that a couple years learning in a pro system is all he needs. Thought that was interesting enough to share.
  6. Skewers to both of my eyes would have been preferable than having laid them on this thread. Some things just can’t be unseen. When will the horror end!
  7. Took over arguably the worst team in the NFL, turned them around and got to 11-5 before Modell ruined that team and moved to Baltimore. Look, Belichick, like all coaches, would be the first to say it’s a player’s league and always has been and how fortunate he was to get Brady, but to say he isn’t a good coach otherwise is just not true. He’s a great football mind and always has been.
  8. Are you just going to fully dismiss his career before becoming a head coach? If so, fine. But you’re willfully ignorant in doing so.
  9. There wasn't ONE SCOUT or GM or ANY OTHER Pro Personnel professional who thought Leaf was a better QB prospect. Not one. That was a media driven narrative proffered by the talking head pundits with magazines and draft guides to sell. Yes, there were a lot of people who thought Leaf was a better prospect, but nobody in the league did.
  10. The Miami hate of the nineties was a love-fest compared to the Miami hate of the 70s. Not beating a team for an entire decade does that to a fan and leaves an indelible mark. As such, I will never hate a team more than I hate the Dolphins. It's literally impossible.
  11. I agree. The opportunity to experience this once in a lifetime event surrounded by your family and friends and others who've helped you get there is just too meaningful to spend away from them.
  12. You’re ignoring his career before he lucked into Brady. He’s a football savant and has been since he was a little kid breaking down film for his dad in Annapolis.
  13. Unfortunately, you're right. It's a sad commentary on our society, too.
  14. Too many to mention, but one of the single most funny scenes, one where people in the theater were reduced to tears from laughing so hard, was the rhino birth scene in "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls." Ironic that it came in such a stupid movie, too.
  15. Yes, the price is high. But not as high as not securing the single most important position in sports for years to come.
  16. It’s worth noting that Kelly fell to 14 because of questions surrounding his surgically repaired shoulder; some doctors were convinced his career was in jeopardy after that operation. Is there a chance a top prospect falls to 12. Yes. Is it likely given the number of teams ahead of 12 that need QBs? No. Sometimes you have to do what it takes to ensure you can get an elite prospect.
  17. Kelly was a “filler” or “retread” QB? What does this mean?
  18. It's bottomless until you fill it with a QB that can put the franchise on his shoulders for the next 10-15 years. If McCarron is that guy, great but there has been ABSOLUTELY NO indication that he is or even can be at this point. Great college career but not enough to get him qualified as a blue chip, elite talent at the position. Point is, if you don't have a QB, it doesn't matter how many other holes you fill.
  19. Still not a first pairing among the entire group.
  20. Another "too many other holes" thread? Once again: add up the entire depth of all those other holes on the team. How deep is it? The answer is it doesn't matter because the hole at QB is bottomless.
  21. Ah, good point. I wasn't thinking in terms of the racial polarization he caused at the time of his verdict. I stand corrected.
  22. I don't think OJ ever caused polarization among the fans. When he played and up until the murders, everybody loved him. After his trial, everybody hated him. Consensus hero to consensus villain. While it's true those are polar opposite extremes, he never caused polarization among fans in terms of our opinions about him.
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