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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Disgusting. She and Roger Stone deserve each other: https://www.nhregister.com/entertainment/the-wrap/article/Roger-Stone-Disses-Barbara-Bush-as-a-Nasty-12844134.php
  2. Rest assured that, contrary to the talking head pundits, the people that actually get paid by teams to make these evaluations can clearly delineate gaps among the QB prospects.
  3. Obviously in a year when we don’t have the extra picks to invest while still retaining enough to conduct a traditional draft. Duh.
  4. Remember when we didn’t wait breathlessly for over-hyped events we had no trouble living without until we read it in the news?
  5. He’s under contract. If anything, he hasn’t committed to “not” playing.
  6. Great technique can make up for both.
  7. Lol! That is not literally what all scouts do. For instance, every, EVERY snap of Rosen's has been broken down into under center/shot gun; 3, 5, 7 step drop, designed rollouts, broken plays, etc. Every snap he's ever taken in college has been categorized and analyzed. The ENTIRETY of the analysis goes into the evaluation. Yes, including those "concerning" plays. The point is, it's not limited. For every "concerning" play there is an example of a play that shows his promise. But scouts aren't sucked into that limited evaluation, either. EVERY snap is broken down and evaluated and weighed against the game situation and I guarantee he has been asked to provide explanations on BOTH his failed plays as well as his successful plays. What this talking head "analyst" did is the farthest thing from "literally the same thing scouts do." These talking heads simply don't have the time or resources to dedicate to doing what scouts do. Simple as that.
  8. Depends on what other teams may perceive the value of a player to be. The Bengals certainly thought Cordy was worth a second round pick, for example.
  9. Disinformation campaigns have hurt players in the past definitely. Marino and Sapp come to mind as two prominent examples. Part of me believes a team wants him to fall so they are in a position to get him. This is where GMs have to stick to their process and trust the research that informs them.
  10. I can find "some plays" that really stand out that would "concern him" about ANY quarterback that EVER played the game. Every. Single. One. Just an absolutely asinine take.
  11. Sorry I didn't see this before I responded to the post. Could have saved some key strokes as your take is EXACTLY what I was getting at.
  12. Another fascinating subject and yes, there are certain markers that identify certain traits that can be traced to certain regions and familial histories. I forget the name of the study, but an extensive DNA study of people from all around the world was conducted in the 90s or early aughts and it proved how much more similar we are as humans than different. IIRC, the largest disparity was between two south pacific societies only a couple hundred miles away from each other. That blew me away. I have to see if I can find that study again. It was a media sensation at the time as I recall.
  13. Unless Mayfield masters the art of taking snaps from under center and the corresponding footwork involved, I don't see it for him as that type of transition takes time. And in spite of Allen's prodigious athletic gifts, he will need time as well. That said, it doesn't mean that the teams that get them won't immediately insert them as starters. But that's not the same as being ready. I don't care who you are, there's a certain curve involved.
  14. Not sure I understand how Jew can mean nationality. Is this a reference to Israel being a Jewish "state?" Because it isn't. Not only because of the diversity of it's citizens but also because their own laws prevent that as they have never specifically defined Israel as such. That's not to say that there aren't some hard right nationalists pushing for such a law to be ratified, including Netanyahu. I am intrigued by the concept of a type of "Jewish atheist/agnostic" vs. any other kind of atheist/agnostic. Is it simply a non-belief in the Jewish God? If so, does their disbelief not cover all other Gods for all other religions? That's an interesting concept, imo.
  15. Great pass rushers have the single greatest impact of any positional player on defense.
  16. Do any of the same people worried about Rosen's "political" views have the same concerns about Shady? He straight up called our president an A-hole on twitter, for all the world to see and I don't recall the same concerns being expressed about McCoy afterward.
  17. Pass rushing DE, hands down. The second most important thing in football after you've acquired your franchise QB is to be able to get to the opponent's QB, especially if he's a franchise player as well.
  18. I think Cosell has learned a thing or two about QB prospects since proclaiming Ryan Nassib the best prospect coming out in his draft class. I'd like to get Rosen if for no other reason than to see our resident crusader troll's head explode.
  19. As much as I like Rodgers, he's not getting any younger and, if we're going to invest that much in a QB, I'd rather it be on a rookie who can be "that guy" for the next 12-15 years instead.
  20. They’re all projects in some way, shape, or form.
  21. Do you think NO would have beaten Philly in the NFC title game? I don’t know about that given the way the Eagles were playing.
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