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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Wish I knew what our medical evaluation found. I'm suspicious of this report leaking so close to the draft. Somebody wants him to fall.
  2. Something he has in common with Ryan. Hue is an OC. he lacks the organizational acumen to be a good HC. Again, he has that in common with Rex Ryan.
  3. I don't think turning this thread into a soft core porn site is going to go over well. Hate to be a buzz kill, but c'mon, guys.
  4. Love the subliminal insertion of the cheerleader image during that clip.
  5. I hear that. But I doubt anyone is more acutely aware of the job security issues of an NFL coach and GM as McBeane. Another thing the media and fans can't inform them on.
  6. The point is, does anyone really think McBeane can be influenced by public opinion on the matter? That they don't already know all there is to know about the need for a QB? If McBeane ends up getting their targeted QB, will media and fans congratulate themselves for convincing McBeane to do what was necessary? As though it couldn't have been done without their influence? I'm looking forward to the inevitable meltdowns by the media and fans if they decide McBeane gave up too much in the process, though.
  7. McBeane couldn't care less what the media and fans have to say on the matter.
  8. "Hamburg overhead door...over delivering all over western New York." Letchworth, Rt. 36 corridor. Connect the dots.
  9. Enjoyed hearing him talk about their mock process and how he doesn't make any of picks for the Bills or the other teams but instead makes everyone defend their selection. I suspect their mocks closely mirror the mocks in all the other war rooms around the league. I'm also convinced that Beane is totally unaffected by media and fan desires. I get the impression he's going to trust his board, too. So, if the right deal for moving up doesn't materialize, I think he's content with letting the draft come to him. And while I hope he can move up and get a QB he likes, I'm confident he's going to find good players, regardless.
  10. Not finishing worse than 4-12 last season cost us the #3 overall pick. End of story.
  11. Overhyped? Yes. Overvalued? Never. You cannot overvalue the QB position.
  12. I don’t want to belabor the point, but that is all pure speculation and not rooted in anything Schwartz indicated during his interview. It’s nice to think he might have made a different decision but, again, there is nothing to go by based on what he said.
  13. Nothing is one size fits all. The 1,000 attempts metric goes back decades in personnel circles as a general rule of thumb. Nothing is etched in stone though. Some teams and prospects see and need less, some see and need more before deciding.
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