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Everything posted by K-9

  1. I totally respect that but what about the anthem thing? I gots to know!
  2. What does Kanye have to say about the anthem kneeling thing? I gots to know!
  3. I prefer "The Russ Brandon Football Planning and Conference Room."
  4. There's a lot of military expressions in football. "Aerial attack" comes to mind. So does that old Carlin routine.
  5. Right, that's how I read it at least. I should just have considered the twitter factor, too, though.
  6. Athelte Maga is a soccer player from Senegal. He's gonna set the World Cup on fire this year, too.
  7. Perhaps he meant to say that if any or all of the bottom three teams in the standings were eliminated, they would be revealed that first group of 10?
  8. wowie ka zowie: a highly technical term meant to suggest incredulity toward another's remark. Synonyms include: horse hockey, bull$hit, and what planet do you inhabit.
  9. Just curious, what were the percentages for the other top 3 QBs?
  10. My reaction would be to hope McCarron can give him the time he needs to develop before being thrown into the fire. Allen needs time to work on his footwork, etc., which is a factor in his accuracy. It all starts with a solid base.
  11. A miserable crew, the lot of ya! Now get off my f-ing lawn!
  12. Exactly, it has nothing to do with Cowherd which is why I was confused by your idea that this interview would “put teams off” because teams have interviewed him seven ways to Sunday by now and nothing would be gleaned from a late public interview at this point. I agree he has never been this strident in anything I’ve seen of him publicly.
  13. Unbelievable. And he cites Elliot Rodger as a hero to boot! Looks like we have another "profile" to add to the list. If anyone out there knows a white male not getting laid enough, please contact local law enforcement. I'll turn myself in.
  14. Darnold or someone else may very well go before Rosen, that’s entirely true. But that will be for reasons other than who is the best QB. Feel free to discount that as just my opinion and I don’t blame you considering we are just anonymous strangers on an Internet forum. But I don’t offer that as my own opinion; it comes from several long time personnel evaluators. And that’s not to say their own opinions shouldn’t be taken with a grain of salt, either, as they are the first to admit it’s not an exact science. They are just adamant he’s the most ready to play in the league coming out. That’s all. Perhaps the best qualification for laying blame I’ve seen around here. The gradation is admirable. Do you really think a Cowherd interview would supersede their own?
  15. It’s not up Buffalo to screw this up or not. He’s the top rated QB in the draft and has been since last August and it’s quite realistic that nobody would want to trade away the chance to draft him, no matter what they were offered. Our only chance to guarantee we get him is to move to one. But that’s just not up to us, unfortunately. Hoping we get lucky, though.
  16. Goff floor, Brady ceiling. I’m afraid it’s lost on the target audience. But I appreciate it none the less.
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