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Everything posted by K-9

  1. Based on the success rates of 4th and 7 ( 43%)* and Tyler Bass’s career success rate on FGs between 40-49 yards (84%) it’s a no-brainer for me: I let Bass attempt the FG. Of course weather might impact the decision, but Bass has a nearly double the chance to be successful. * based on a study of data between 2013-2022 published by The Sporting News. A ten year chunk of data is a pretty good sample size imo.
  2. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    There are several factors that aid in the defense against that charge in CA and yeah, Araiza had them at his disposal. DAs only bring cases that can reasonably succeed and I believe that’s why the DA didn’t bring the criminal charge, ultimately. Araiza and the others had good reason to believe the woman was 18 or older.
  3. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    You raise a great point about the SDPD and the SDSU police. I believe they withheld vital information from the Bills and the league when the Bills and league were doing their usual due diligence prior to the draft and your explanation about the PAC-12 and the potential revenue infusion makes a ton of sense now.
  4. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    In the exact same situation? Of course the Bills and their attorneys would make the same decision. And so would ecery other team. You’re forgetting their was actual evidence that Araiza may have been involved in something nefarious; not the least of which are the fact that the SDPD recorded him admitting to having sex with the girl at that party and that the SDPD had an open criminal investigation of Araiza and the others at the time. And the filing of the civil suit naming Araiza as one of the accused in August, 2022 only made the situation worse. And that’s all the Bills and every other team had to go on at the time. But hindsight trumps foresight every time, I guess.
  5. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    Except they weren’t reacting to “the mob” although the PR ramifications were certainly valid. They were listening to the advice of their attorneys. As I said earlier, the Bills, the other 31 teams, and the league itself did not have the luxury of hindsight at the time. Everyone erred on the side of caution which is the most prudent course of action when outcomes in cases like this cannot be determined until the legal issues are resolved. As for the creation of that expectation, I can’t agree with that in the least. For several reasons. So I will just agree to disagree on that point.
  6. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    The DA was still investigating the incident at the time of Araiza’s departure from the team. There was no way the Bills or anyone else could know if the DA would or would not press charges in a criminal case. The woman and her attorney certainly did file a civil suit against him and the others allegedly involved. Araiza was later dropped from the suit as part of his settlement with the woman.
  7. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    Initially, he was not totally forthcoming during the routine security check before the draft. And later, about the taped conversation where he admitted to having sex with the girl. Apparently, when team attorneys learned of that and the nature of the pending civil litigation, they convinced McBeane to end the association with him. It’s highly probable that the league would have intervened as well. I can’t blame the kid at all for wanting to withhold some information at the time of the draft and afterwards. And I’m still surprised league and/or team investigators didn’t catch it leading up to the draft. These checks can be very thorough and I wonder if because punter isn’t a high profile glamorous position that they didn’t dig deeper. I also question just how forthcoming SDPD and/or SDSU police were as well with league and/or team investigators before the draft. Anyway, I’m glad the kid is back in the league and moving on with his career. It’s a shame it didn’t work out in Buffalo, but without the luxury of 20/20 hindsight, the Bills were in an untenable situation at the time.
  8. K-9

    Matt Araiza

    How long did that case drag on before he was exonerated? And why didn’t anyone sign him right after we cut him or even shortly thereafter? Distraction is an understatement. The league and every team in it had to wait for the issue to be settled. The Bills could have made him an offer like KC did, but I’ve come to learn that Araiza may not have been entirely forthcoming with the team at the time all this came to light, so it’s understandable that they would just wish him best of luck elsewhere.
  9. Right, because nobody has ever seen Allen hit Diggs on a slant route. Just an idiotic take by yet another clueless color commentator who doesn’t do his homework.
  10. Square footage is exactly what I’m talking about.
  11. Reducing the size of the stadium has less to do with increasing demand for tickets as it does increasing the number of premium seating options. This has been a trend in new stadium design. While the number of seats is reduced, the size of the stadium is actually increased to accommodate the premium seating and amenities.
  12. I would like nothing better than for Williams to make the job his own. Problem is, despite his great athleticism, is that he is utterly clueless on the field. Easy to beat with play fakes, doesn’t understand pursuit angles, and is an absolute liability in pass coverage (the long pass to Kmet last Saturday is a prime example. Until I actually see a good player, I won’t believe he is a good player.
  13. There are two NHL teams out there so he could just open up a west coast branch of his goalie academy.
  14. Robert James was the original shut down corner before anyone knew what that was. From Biletnikoff to Otis Taylor to Warfield, he shut out the best the AFC had to offer game in and game out. He would have been a first ballot HOFer had he not been injured. In their rookie years, everyone came to see OJ but left talking about the kid from Fisk.
  15. Tommy O’Connell, the original #14.
  16. It was well known that Worthy is strictly an off ball receiver so it’s no surprise that he gets his butt handed to him vs press coverage.
  17. He’s been breaking down film since he was nine years old and his father coached at the Naval academy so it’s only natural he’d be doing it now. It’s in his blood and I bet this new venture will prove to be the best of its kind. There’s never been anyone better at it.
  18. Has there ever been this much discussion about one rep on day six of a training camp? It’s beyond futile.
  19. Notable perhaps, but not surprising in the least. Returning Bills vets usually get the initial first team reps when camp opens.
  20. Let the stream of consciousness twitter reporting commence!
  21. The BN is terrible. We were subscribers my entire life, but when they closed the printing operations in Buffalo laying off over 100 employees, moving the printing ops to Detroit, and then having the gall to up the annual price to nearly $1200 for news that is two days late by the time you get it, that was the final straw. Called them to cancel, spoke to an idiot in the Philippines, and it STILL took them two months to stop delivery. And their efforts to get me to come back are pitiful; my favorite being the Sunday only offer for only $30 per month. The newsstand price is $5 for the Sunday paper. Do the math. Idiots all.
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