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Posts posted by K-9

  1. There are the initial post-draft grades, which give guys like Kiper something to do and give E$PN a reason to employ them.


    The real grades will show up around 2010-2011.


    Absofriggenlutely! We won't know much about these kids for a couple years. With the exception of McKelvin. We drafted the BEST CB on our team on Saturday.


    GO BILLS!!!

  2. What's funny is that the team has actually, pretty much played zone coverage all that time. That's like drafting a TE in round 1 just to block.


    Gotta disagree a bit here, BADO. We didn't play zone against NEs 3,4, and 5 wide sets. They would have beaten us WORSE if we did. But you can't against their spread sets so it's a moot point.


    GO BILLS!!!

  3. Adarius Bowman, Oklahoma State (6-4, 220): 3 catches - 30 yards; McKelvin caused a fumble and drew two holding penalties. Bowman's 30 yard were the most any WR gained against McKelvin in 2007.


    Andre Caldwell, Florida (6-0, 198): 1 catch - 8 yards. McKelvin also caused a fumble that he recovered to set up a Troy FG.


    The very definition of 'shut down.'


    Pick looks good from where I'm standing.


    GO BILLS!!!

  4. Link




    11. Buffalo WR, CB, LB, TE Devin Thomas, WR,

    Michigan State

    Comment: The NFL's 30th-ranked passing attack needs to get bigger, stronger, tougher, more talented and more productive on the flank. Thomas is the most physical receiver in this draft, not to mention the most talented.


    I see he has Rivers sinking like the stone you predicted. Are you slow-cooking that crow for me to eat later?


    GO BILLS!!!

  5. Of the possibly available, I'd take:


    1. Branden Albert - IMO, instant starter and makes Bills O-line one of the best. Can give the team a devastating run game that keeps the pressure off the QB. Plus, he provides great depth if one of the Tackles go down - or even move Langston to G. Albert has 10-year starter written all over him.


    2. Leodis McKelvin - He looks like a very solid player. With coaching, likely to start Game 1 and could give the Bills a very nice secondary -- helped by improvements at DT. Moreover, McKelvin maybe more dangerous than McGee or Parrish at returner. Could be a special player.


    3. Derrick Harvey - I'm not yet convinced Harvey is a game changer on Day 1 but he has the great potential to start by game Four and give the Bills a weapon they need to become a good defense. Boom or Bust pick.


    4. Devon Thomas - Although Thomas starts Day One and helps Evans and the Offense, I just don't know if Thomas will be a very good receiver or very, very average. Besides, I think taking Jordy Nelson in the 2nd is much better bet. Nelson may never be a #1 like Thomas but chances are Nelson will be a can't miss #2.


    I'd LOVE to get Branden Albert. He's a beast and resembles Peters in the way he moves. VERY athletic. Get him, move Walker inside to RG and we have one of the best Olines in the league for years. Center notwithstanding.


    GREAT point about Jordy Nelson. A can't miss #2? Never looked at it that way.


    GO BILLS!!!

  6. Its that way every year. Some team wins the Super Bowl and all the fans say we should emulate that team.


    Now perhaps that idea has some merit, but people go overboard with it. There is no magic bullet, no secret formula to making the playoffs or winning a Super Bowl. In the end, the only thing that is proven to work is what has been known for decades...you have to at least have a solid team in all three major phases of the game and there are a multitude of ways winning teams have successfully arrived at that point.


    It's not about emulating the Giants for the Bills, it's just a coincidence. It's about emulating what the great Bill Polian did in the late 80s. The braintrust asked themselves what they needed to do to win the division (that's ALWAYS goal #1). At the time Miami was king and Marino was the reason. What to do? GET A PASS RUSH! They got Biscuit and the rest is history. My point is it didn't take the Giants' win in the SB to open everyone's eyes to NE.


    Couldn't agree more with the rest of your post. Gotta be solid in all 3 phases to give yourself the best chance.


    GO BILLS!!!

  7. So your idea to make the LB core better, is to draft a player who has absolutly no Pro experience and only potential to be better then any of the guys currently on the roster?


    We as fans may over value some of our own players, but I think we overvalue other players (and draft picks more)


    Who did Cornelius Bennett replace, again? I'm sure we all loved him, too. I just wished to hell I could remember his name.


    GO BILLS!!!

  8. There is no possible way Walsh has a tape of that walkthrough after reading this statement by the Patriots “The suggestion that the New England Patriots recorded the St. Louis Rams’ walkthrough on the day before Super Bowl XXXVI in 2002 is absolutely false.” Kraft would never have that statement released if there was even a slight chance he had the tape.



    Not necessarily. There's a difference between saying "... the New England Patriots recorded the St. Louis Rams' walkthrough..." vs. Matt Walsh recorded the walkthrough.


    Kraft and the Patriots could could then safely deny that they had any part in recording anything their employee took it upon himself to do without their knowledge beforehand.


    I doubt that's the case but it IS a possibility.


    GO BILLS!!!

  9. and behind one of the worst DLines in NFL history. I couldn't agree more, the hating on Crowell is baseless.


    Look, nobody hates Crowell. He was the BEST LB on our team last year.


    That said, IF (and it's a BIG if) the Bills were to draft a guy like Rivers for instance, Crowell would all of a sudden NOT be starting. Poz, Mitchell, and Rivers are ALL BETTER RIGHT NOW. Crowell is too inconsistent in his pursuit angles and is below average in coverage. It wasn't all the Dline last year. We had TERRIBLE LBing. Ellison and DeGorgio? Are you kidding me? They were way worse than Crowell. And that's saying a lot. You may say my analysis of Crowell is baseless and you're free to that opinion, but the game tape I've reviewed suggests otherwise. Heck, if you just took the time to review the television tape you'd see enough to scratch your head at least. Yes he makes great plays at times. But he makes up for it with FAR more bas plays than good ones.


    I would phrase it this way: Our Dline played IN FRONT of one of the worst linebacking corps in NFL history.


    GO BILLS!!!

  10. Here is my vote for switching to a 3-4 and drafting Rivers (if available at 11) in the 1st and best wideout in the 2nd. If Rivers is gone attempt to trade down with KC or Philly and take your wideout in the 1st and use the extra pick aquired in the trade to move up and get Connors in the early 2nd.


    What will this do to our defense? By swithcing to a 3-4 it will allow Stroud to stay fresh because he can platoon with McCargo and Spencer at nose. Crowell and Mitchell can fly around as outside lb's and Connor and Poz can stuff the middle. That D certainly wont be run on.


    When KC made that trade yesterday I immediatley thought of them as another trading partner. Now maybe KC nad Philly both want the 11 pick which only helkps the Bills.


    I'd like to get more LBs on the field, too. God (and In Space No One Can Hear) knows I think highly of Rivers. But McCargo and Spencer would get KILLED as an NT in a 3-4. They are NOT 2 gappers. Not even close. Stroud is the only guy that COULD hold up 2 gaps and I'm not sure we'd want to wear him out.


    I won't get into our DEs not being suited at some other time.


    GO BILLS!!!

  11. I agree...


    Hardy = 36 TD's in 32 college games




    what do the Bills need... a big bad red Zone target



    ... AND a 6' 5.5 " WR who can catch a football 12' in the air isn't going to need a whole lot of seperation from CB's at any level. his sheer size will allow him to snag balls and shield off defenders.



    I can see the Bills drafting Hardy in the 1st (most likely in a trade odnw situation) and then going after Jordy Nelson in round 3 or trading back up into late round #2 for him. IMHO we need two WR's out of this draft. both with some size.


    Agree, can't argue that kind of production. He's a player. Also agree that we need that big bad RZ target. I agree Hardy could be one of these.


    I disagree with your statement in the bolded print. At any level OTHER than the NFL maybe. Assuming Hardy DOES have seperation problems (and I have no idea if that claim is true), what kind of receiver is he between the 20s? Without the ability to seperate, read: run various routes, he becomes too one-dimensional and NOT the type of compliment you'd want/need MOST of the time. He'd be an RZ specialist but we'd have the same problems between the 20s we have now. It's a HUGE assumption that just because he would have a superior height advantage that we could just throw it up there anytime we wished and he'd make the play. CBs are the best athletes on any team. Nearly EVERY CB he faces will be as good or better than the BEST CBs he faced in college.


    Again, I'm not sure about this rap against him is true. His production suggests it isn't.


    GO BILLS!!!

  12. The draft is all about opportunity. You are going to have some hits and misses no matter who you are. That means when a rare sure thing presents itself, you should grab it.


    If you were a team that had the positional needs:




    Owen Schmitt



    OL depth


    and you had the chance to use your FOURTH round pick not only to take one of those positions, but to fill it with a proven commodity, would you do it?


    Of course you would, but the Bills didn't. It is not even draft day and Brandon has failed his first test miserably. Pac Man Jones is a no brainer and we let him get away. Now we are on to the draft where we will inevitably have some hits and some misses. <_<<_<:cry:


    Like I said, everyone has hits and misses and Brandon should not be expected to be perfect. But I do think we as fans have the right to expect him to act on obvious situations like this. I hope this is not a sign of things to come.


    Look, you can draft for need OR take the best player available regardless of position. But there is ONE draft rule that trumps all others:




    PacMan Jones, as good as he is both on and off the field (can't argue with his community work in that bright orange outfit), he is no Owen Schmitt.


    GO BILLS!!!

  13. I agree. If the goal is to get a big receiver, Hardy is the biggest--AND he's fast AND he has good hands. I'm almost certain that he's our guy.


    As for the knock on him not getting separation, not sure it matters much.


    Ben Rothlesberger made a comment the other day how he wanted a big receiver, because he wants a guy to throw the ball to when nobody's open. A guy with the size and speed of Hardy seems to fit that bill. So what if he occasionally gets jammed up at the LOS?


    It is the most important attribute a receiver needs in the pros. Seperation is not JUST about getting jammed at the LOS, it's about gaining seperation while running your route. If you can't do that in the pros, especially in tight spaces against the superior athletes you don't see regularly in college, defenses don't have to worry about devoting other resources to stopping you.


    Look no farther than the Bills. After Evans and Roscoe (who is too small to be used outside as often as he is), everybody else struggles too much with seperation. Especially Reed and our TEs. Result? Lee double-teamed and 8 or 9 man fronts to stop the run and DARE those other receivers to get open.


    I have not seen Hardy on tape. I don't know if this concern is valid or not. But if it IS, he will have a problem, regardless of his size.


    GO BILLS!!!

  14. how can a guy with such superior size and speed attributes not totally dominate at the college level?


    There is a huge risk that he does not have the ability to separate from NFL caliber CBs, since he struggled with that aspect of his game in college.


    You don't need to waste a #1 pick on a guy that can't get open, evenif he is tall.


    If that's true and I haven't seen ANY tape of him, then he's in for a rude awakening. If he can't seperate from college CBs consistently that will translate to the pros exponentially.


    GO BILLS!!!

  15. The first thing I look at when evaluating a team's passing yards allowed is their rushing yards allowed, particularly average yards per attempt.


    The second thing I look at is the number of pass attempts against. Was the team often ahead in games and other teams were forced to throw?


    From a raw numbers point of view I enjoyed your analysis. From a determative point of view, those numbers deserve a second look.


    GO BILLS!!!

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