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  1. The Jimmies and Joes indeed. It’s always been a player’s league and it always will be.
  2. The Steelers sure did make it routine to draft future HOFers. They got four HOFers in their ‘74 draft alone! Unbelievable.
  3. An incredible stat considering that for the 25 year period from 1960 thru 1984, the Bills had the worst winning percentage of any team across the four major sports leagues in America.
  4. He’s one of the few who would still excel in today’s league. He was a world class sprinter as part of a world record 4x100 relay team at USC and was once hand timed in the 4.2s at training camp up at Niagara University back in the day. That speed transcends eras as would his strength and elusiveness. One for the ages was OJ.
  5. My counter to that would be that in ‘73, OJ was the entire offense with a rookie Joe Ferguson at the helm and virtually handcuffed by Lou Saban as he attempted just 164 passes the entire season as the starting QB in every game that year. OJ had more than twice as many carries than Fergy had pass attempts. Every D in the league had a simple game plan: stop OJ.
  6. You’re responding to to post a year old and subsequent input by other posters informed me that Texas did indeed handle things accordingly. As for your condescending bullcrap remark? Be good, do good, God Bless and Go Bills.
  7. I wonder how much influence Monos had on drafts during his tenure. In reviewing our drafts from 2013-2017 there’s only a few picks to really right home about.
  8. Great news. Keep kicking a$$.
  9. I don’t think it’s staged given the story Daboll once related when Josh met the room at the combine for his initial short interview. There were like 20 people in the suite at Lucas Oil and Josh shook hands and introduced himself to all of them. After answering questions, breaking down plays, etc. the meeting was concluded and Daboll asked Josh to repeat as many names of the people he first met upon entering the room. Josh recalled the names of everyone perfectly. Daboll said he’d never seen anything like that. And I agree, that is impressive as hell.
  10. They had to let it go because TWO Chiefs O linemen had illegal hands in the face of Eagles pass rushers, including the guy who made the play on Mahomes. And the Chiefs got away with fricken tackling Eagles pass rushers all night, too.
  11. You mean that TD where he beat the second string DBs in garbage time? That TD?
  12. Since the game was over at halftime, the entire second half felt ant-climactic and I enjoyed every minute of it. This was the perfect tonic for the masses suffering from Chiefs fatigue.
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