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Wisconsin Bills Fan

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Everything posted by Wisconsin Bills Fan

  1. We are screwed if your prediction comes true.
  2. A guy I would really like to see the Bills get is Lavonte David OLB from Nebraska. Now that we are going back to the 4-3 we need fast athletic linebackers and I don't see any on this roster right now. David would be perfect on the weak side and start from day one.
  3. This is why libs like DIN are so scared of him. Obama will lose against Romney.
  4. He is scared poopless of him. Michigan D's showed their fear by running to the polls to vote for Rick.
  5. Pay no attention to the high gas prices, high unemployment, exploding debt, and broken promises. Sounds like a winner to me!
  6. Would much rather have Bush or Tolbert, but we don't need them either. He'll no to Hillis.
  7. He believes his boy really cares about the middle class hahaha!
  8. So Obama's failure of a presideny is going to be overlooked because Mitt Romney is a rich man that has purchased a couple of Cadillacs for his wife to drive? Do you really believe the majority of Americans buy into that 99%'er garbage. As Americans we look up to rich athletes, movie stars, and entertainers, but we want an average Joe Blow to run our country? That makes zero sense.
  9. I was wondering the same thing, how much is enough? It would have been nice to get him on the record earlier. You are right though, it won't matter because Romney paranoia is in full effect.
  10. Got a feeling that DE will be addressed in FA with another drafted after round 1. I can see Buddy going after Martin, the OT from Stanford at 10. Big, strong, smart kid that was a leader in the locker room.
  11. Definitely a guy I will be rooting for.....unless he ends up in Miami!
  12. Drive a Dodge Spirit, or a Escalade?
  13. Why is Romney not considered academic? Is he not scholarly, learned, well-educated? He has a law degree from Harvard as well as a MBA from Harvard. No doubt he is a business man, but I don't see how he is lacking in academics.
  14. Buddy likes to target guys that are proven players that are more than one year wonders. For this reason I see the Bills passing on Coples and taking a guy like Upshaw over him. I think Ingram will be off the board before the Bills pick.
  15. Hahaha!! If you're going to dish it out, you better be able to take it sweetheart!
  16. No problem. I feel kinda like that kid who's parents named him Adolf Hitler, not his fault but he's going to get **** for it. The former Wis Bills Fan sounds like a real gem!
  17. See the Boom!! thread. Just poking a little fun at the Obamatard. I'm not actually celebrating the demise of America, it was sarcasm.
  18. Chicago's tough gun laws are working wonders as well, nobody ever gets shot in Chicago LOL!!
  19. Boom!!! Up to 9%!!! Wooo!!!! Obama!! Obama!!! Obama!!!
  20. Damn facts, they are always getting in the way of Obummers perceived greatness.
  21. Also anti choice on allowing people to choose if they want to be a union member, that one always cracks me up.
  22. Finally Romney came to his senses and said he was proud of his success. Only the left-wing nuts are going to hold his wealth against him, and they will be voting for Oblahblah no matter what. This election needs to be about the failure that is Obama, he didn't live up to his hype and needs to work on his golf game full time. I agree Romney/Rubio 2012 and the BHO is done.
  23. "You stupid, ignorant, son-of-a-B word, dumb bastard. Jesus Christ, I've met some dumb bastards in my time, but you out do'em all!" -Gene Wilder (Silver Streak) This quote could be applied to every DIN post I have ever read.
  24. WTF does that even mean? Can someone look Catholic, or Lutheran?
  25. Some of this is true, Gingrich can't win in the general election, I will concede that. However, it isn't because he would lose in the debates with Obama, it's because Obama is going to have $1 billion to run attack ads on Newt, and Newt is a train wreck. Gingrich is a despicable human being and far from being a true conservative. Newt does a great job talking conservative, but his past tells a different story. Obama would get slapped around by Newt in a debate, but that wouldn't matter in the end, Newt has WAY too much baggage.
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