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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. He was at the mandatory practice last week, standing on the sideline, not participating because of injury.
  2. I was disappointed they didn't draft him ... I've been glad they didn't since we got Tre' and then JA17. As far as signing him, and to the contract they gave him despite his legal issues, the Browns are a joke. Unless he wins them a Super Bowl.
  3. The WR of course, but i think he was on our drought ending team so he wouldn't count.
  4. Mario Williams - Lined up opposite Von Miller would be fun for us and a nightmare for QB's. Kyle Williams - Loved his attitude and he'd be great with our two DE's. Duke Williams - We have a lack of Williams' on the team and need more. On second thought, forget Duke and add Jason Peters - A HOF offensive Tackle would be a solid addition to this team.
  5. I blame those Chinese hurricane guns.
  6. Your side has been telling us that for the last 40 years, when is this happening ?
  7. Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things.
  8. And doing nothing accomplishes absolutely nothing except ensure that these incidents become commonplace as millions more of these AK/AR-15s flood the market getting in the hands of people who shouldn't have anything more dangerous in their possession than a fork. To think that someone who isn't old enough to have a cigarette and a beer can buy a weapon of war is unconscionable.
  9. A good guy with a gun lost his life in Buffalo, and he was a retired police officer.
  10. How about SAM's... Because you know, for protection ... After all it's just another weapon of war
  11. The assault weapons ban becoming defunct in 2004
  12. Cool uniforms and maybe some cowboy hats. Apparently While these police officers were keeping the peace across the street, at least one parent ran into the school and got her children out.
  13. Geneticists are busy working on 4 winged chickens.
  14. This keeps happening over and over and over again, obviously our children don't matter. This country has gone full out devo
  15. You can't buy a beer or a pack of smokes until you're 21, why can you buy guns when you're 18 ? Guns are more important than children in this country.
  16. I wonder if they change the words to their post murder spree speeches or just use the same one every time.
  17. Which state will be host to next weeks mass murder ? Thoughts and prayers doesn't cut it anymore
  18. Spiking the ball to stop the clock should be intentional grounding as well ... A. The QB is between the tackles B. The ball isn't being thrown to a receiver C. The ball doesn't make it to the line of scrimmage. D. The ball is being intentionally grounded
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