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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. AJ Epenesa ... He introduced himself to Tua last year, I think he'll make Tua see Darnold's ghosts.
  2. I think she picks her men so she can write a future song about what Richards they were. At least there probably won't be a bunch of guys dancing with jockstraps on their heads.
  3. With a possible hurricane coming their way next week, the water mammals might be thinking about other things other than the task at hand. (protecting property, getting their loved ones out etc..) We'll be the first hurricane, We'll just fly in, kick their *** and get out.
  4. With 20-30 mph winds this game will come down to RBs ... Cleveland wins the run game here. Trubisky looked dreadful last week, a bad first half could get the rookie on the field tonight.
  5. The Bills won't turn the ball over or punt in this game. Tua will turn it over and they'll punt a few times no matter who we trot out there. We'll just give up more points than we have been, but fewer than we'll score. Get better soon Micah and Dane.
  6. If you're not supposed to urinate in the sinks, why do they put urinal cakes in them ?
  7. He should have made the Bills over the Special Teams ace who made two tackles last year and three the year before. Good luck Raheem Blackshear.
  8. How does a squib kick help you in that situation ? The clock doesn't start until a player on the receiving team touches the ball. If the player just falls on it, he's giving himself up and the clock doesn't move, or it takes just a tenth or two off the clock as the play is over. The kickoff was fine, not holding all of their receivers on first down cost them the game. That and calling not one but two time outs so the Chiefs could talk it over on what to do.
  9. Getting the same one game suspension as Mike Evans seems silly.
  10. Just send Epenesa at Tua again, he seemed to have his number.
  11. I'll be rooting against him as I do all players who play on the same team as Brady. I would root for him as long as he isn't playing for an AFC East team, a Brady team or the Cowboys. Was this the big contract he was weighing his options on back in July ?
  12. Hey, this Martin guy can punt the ball too, he's not just a holder.
  13. Yesterday's performance reminded me of the gutless play we used to get from Trent Edwards. So many times on 3rd and 8 or 9 Trubiski was throwing passes as far as the line of scrimmage. He'll get 3 more games before Tomlin yanks him for the rookie.
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