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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. We should've traded Barkley to the Saints for a day two draft pick. He has to be better than the corpse of Andy Dalton.
  2. Why is an out of bounds kick off the same penalty as roughing the passer ? When the ball is kicked out of the end zone it's placed at the 25, kick off out of bounds goes to the 40. Same as RTP 15 yards.
  3. I'd need the finest satellite dish set up and internet service I can buy for my private island in the South Pacific.
  4. Carolina, Denver, Houston and Vegas are teams where he'd be an upgrade
  5. Zach Wilson was the better QB today ... Uninspiring play by everyone except Diggs.
  6. Duds of the game is everyone not named Stefon Diggs.
  7. He couldn't be hacked, he's got that $8 check mark. That eliminates hackers, right ?
  8. 3 yards rushing on 1 carry 8 yards receiving on 1 reception 22 yards on 3 Punt Returns 0 Kick Off Returns 0 TDs
  9. The screens that will confuse the wind, will they confuse the sideways snow from squalls too ?
  10. It's not like Josh is a Futbol type flopper. I can't wait for Josh to stiff arm this nobody into next Tuesday.
  11. Percentage wise, the Bills best record is in the Red uni's. Should've worn blood red on the eve of Halloween.
  12. I thought the Farmers Almanac called for a long, cold, snowy winter ... Saw a big Woolly Bear Caterpiller as well.
  13. I'm not saying, you'll just have to outbid me 😁
  14. Keep the microphone away from JA when he's on the field. We don't need him selling chips and salsa when he's supposed to be throwing TDs. Back to you, Josh ?
  15. Before being suspended by the league, Ridley had pretty much given up football for mental health issues.
  16. If we were trading Moss to the Colts, why didn't we at least trade him for Jonathan Taylor ?
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