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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Pluto has 5 moons, how can it not be a planet ?
  2. So when I hit the ball it'll go into the nearest body of water 5 yards shorter... cool What I'd really like to see is for them to turn up the gravity coming from the cup... It would be very beneficial for me.
  3. Atta boy Zach, we knew you could get your job back, we had faith.
  4. The aroma of getting paid by Saudi Arabia and Qatar to go play in the desert
  5. That makes too much sense, therefore it won't happen that way.
  6. Bills ---- 31 Chiefs - 33 Chiefs get into FG range and make in :11 seconds
  7. Or the home game they stole from the Bills and gave to the Jaguars.
  8. Why ? ... because they're better than the Bills ? The entire organization seemed very classy during the Hamlin ordeal last season. I'd rather hate on the patriots, Jests, Dolphins, Jaguars and Cowboys.
  9. The NFL gave the Jaguars a Buffalo home game and likely victory ... **** them ... GO BENGALS
  10. How is his defense in the final two minutes of games ? ... Asking for a friend.
  11. That's possible but the conspiracy crowd is saying watch out for Ravens vs 49ers... I still think it'll involve the KC Swifts.
  12. The leagues Super Bowl logo has been released and it looks like it's in Ravens and 49ers colors... Purple/ gold and maroon. Last years logo was red and green. (Chiefs,Eagles)
  13. Congratulations Dawson Knox and your bride to be.
  14. Yet Josh was fined a couple weeks back for pointing at a guy.
  15. C'mon man, you know that for it to be a catch it requires ... 5 Golden steps 3 Football moves And a Partridge in a Pear Tree.
  16. I'd say the one last week to Diggs was a wow catch ... Diggs was surrounded by Eagles flapping their wings and the ball was so low it almost hit a battery that was thrown onto the field. 👍👍 to both Diggs and Allen on that one.
  17. Why include them ? With rumors that they're kicking their HC to the curb at the end of the season and the calender just hit December, his last victory will probably be against McDermott and the Bills ... On a last second TD no doubt. Besides ... It was a 5 team parley 😉
  18. If you're playing a 5 team parley this weekend ... Miami Pittsburgh Cleveland Indianapolis Denver This is the season that the ball bounces the wrong way for this team at every opportunity.
  19. Only to watch Josh leave the building with Taylor Swift.
  20. "Billsy" ... Somehow even with a bye, the Bills will chalk one up in the L column this week.
  21. I'm always a big fan of unnamed sources.
  22. He'll buy her a new car ... she'll drop the charges ... The NFL won't bother to suspend him without her going through with it ... Von will remain a Bill and take up room on the bench or filling in if someone gets hurt, until the Bills can get out of his contract without having to cut Josh.
  23. If he wore them while playing I would expect him to wear it right next to the Super Bowl ring he wins as HC... He went to Harvard you know.
  24. One question ... What two minute defense ?
  25. Why can't the defense push around opponents QBs with two minutes to go instead of fans ?
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