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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Asking Josh to stop running is like asking water to stop being wet. You can take called runs for #17 out of the playbook. You can protect him for 10 seconds on every play, but Josh is Josh and he'll run the ball anyway, it's who he is.
  2. Guess I forgot him like Josh did last year .... hanging my head in shame on that one.
  3. New offense to confuse the defense ... I got so excited about adding Hopkins (what's up Beane) I neglected to throw in Knox
  4. Diggs ----- Kincaid ......... Dawkins ... McGovern ... Morse ... Torrence ... Brown ...Knox ............. Hopkins .....................................................................................Allen ..............................................................................................Harris Edited to make it an 11 man offense
  5. My first favorite team when I started watching football at age 7 or 8 was the Baltimore Colts. When the Colts moved from Baltimore when I was 13, I abandoned them like they did the city of Baltimore. For the next 10 years I followed the Steelers for a bit, then the Air Coryell Chargers for a few years, then switched to the Saints, and still root for them every game they play except when they play the team I've been a fan of for the last 40 years, the Bills. If others want to abandon their team and jump on the Bills bandwagon there's plenty of room and it just proves you can teach old dogs new tricks. Anybody that quits being a Bills fan for another team though is a bleeping moron.
  6. Bills can pay him minimum and we fans can open a Go Fund Me page and pay him ourselves. Now for another episode of bad ideas at 7 AM.
  7. When I did it we ended up 9-8 The Bills were a poor 3-6 at home including a home loss in London The Bills went 3-3 in the AFC East and 3-1 vs NFC East, and start the season 1-4
  8. Whiteskins Weasels War Pigs Felons Wankers Just suggestions that would fit a team from DC.
  9. Boogie fever, boogie fever
  10. He's just a bit wider which will make defenders have farther to go to get around him, giving Josh an extra second.
  11. I figured he'd end up with the Browns or the Chiefs.
  12. Just have Bass kick the ball as hard as he can directly at the closest person on the other side. Either the ball gets through untouched and becomes a hot potato or it hits someone and bounces who knows where.
  13. Dawkins McGovern Morse Torrence Brown That'll be the starting line until, and you know it'll happen, Morse gets his next concussion. I think that'll also be on their minds starting Torrence over Bates at RG because they'll save Bates for when Morse goes down.
  14. Buffalo gets a break in the AFC East because unlike the other teams, Buffalo doesn't play the Bills 2x.
  15. Halloumi - Sliced about a quarter inch thick and put on the grill. Smoked Gouda would be next
  16. They could save a little money early on and combine some strength and conditioning as well by giving the rookies a shovel and telling them to dig.
  17. 1970 Ford Maverick 1973 Ford Mustang ... 302 hi performance engine, 3 speed standard, speedometer went to 120, buried the needle. 1978 Datsun 200SX 1976 Chevy Monte Carlo ... 350, nice car until it was viciously attacked by a tree 1986 Ford Thunderbird 1995 Ford Thunderbird ... 4.6L V8, Nice car, great ride 2006 Ford Escape 2006 Mercury Milan 2018 Ford Escape ... I've had it for 3.5 years and have put nothing but gas, oil and brakes into it.
  18. The Dolphins owner cost his team a first round pick this year. That has to rank him right up there.
  19. And Brady will be playing for the Raiders in 5...4...3...2...1...
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