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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. No ... Epenesa is still young and ascending as a player, I'd look to extend him. If it was possible to trade Von and his contract, I think that would be more beneficial to the team.
  2. The Good ... AJ Epenesa, extend him. The Bad ... Giving up a home game to a conference competitor as part of an experiment, stupid stupid decision. I take that back, it had to be a home game, we had the annoying train noise. The Ugly ... Losing Milano for the year and Jones for most of, if not all of it as well. Taron Johnson complained about the condition of the field. Dare I say that if we played the game at home, we probably don't lose either Milano or Jones, much less both of them.
  3. Hopefully what they learned is to play your home games in your own damn stadium.
  4. Bills would've won this game by 20 in Buffalo ... Nuff' said
  5. It takes away your home field advantage. If this game was in Buffalo the Bills would be ahead by a comfortable margin, besides that, London is basically the Jags 2nd and future home.
  6. Selling a home game gives the other team the advantage unless you're terrible at home.
  7. The Bills weren't forced to sell a game to London, they chose the money.
  8. Has every flag been against the Bills ? ... A little home cooking for the local team ?
  9. They should just be getting to the stadium in BUFFALO about now
  10. Qatar or Saudi Arabia will be next, the NFL is all about the $$$ and they've got plenty... They'll probably buy a Super Bowl.
  11. If it wasn't rigged why is the NFL listed as sports entertainment like wrestling ? Why did the owner of the Falcons say a few years ago "I wish we were chosen to be in this years Super Bowl" ? wink wink nudge nudge.
  12. Every ball passed his way is one less ball going to Hill or Waddle.
  13. The Dolphins got sick feasting on all of the sugary stories of how great they were, especially after laying 70 on the NCAA Div II Denver Broncos.
  14. Could be the play is designed that way knowing it'll take one or two defenders out of the play and not get your star WR injured blocking for no reason. When it comes time to make a block, Diggs does his part.
  15. Buy - Kair Elam ... He'll be active anyway, that's a reason to buy. Sell - Selling home games to London, Toronto or anywhere else Hold - James Cook ... Another big week hopefully
  16. Buffalo Bills - 16 London Jaguars - 17 I hope selling a home game is profitable and doesn't cost a victory we'd almost certainly get at home.
  17. Good for you Eli Ankou ... Make the best of your new situation.
  18. I'd expect that Elam will be active and the #3 CB. I think they'll probably bring up Ingram, who had a good camp and roll with four outside CBs depending on the Benford injury. The list of possible additions include a couple of names that came out of college highly ranked. Greedy Williams would cost nothing to add to the PS provided he's healthy and wants to play, and Sidney Jones, who we'd have to have active. Were those guys just bad fits in a system, like Elam, or do they just not have the desire.
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