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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Buy - Dorian Williams ... He's making some rookie mistakes mixed in with some nice plays, I think he'll improve weekly. Sell - Von Miller ... Just to get rid of his contract. Hold - Josh Allen ... He has looked great in 3 games and below average in 3 games, get your isht together man.
  2. How could they not have a say especially if they have to give up a home game ?
  3. The Jets lost their big off season acquisition on the 4th play of the season, enabling the Bills to go to 0-2 vs Zack Wilson... 0-2 vs Zack Wilson The Jaguars are another story that'll remain in my craw all season. How do you give up a home game to another AFC competitor ? ... A home game that the Bills would have won in Buffalo but went to England, played predictably like crap, lost the game and lost Milano and Jones for the season. I hope the check the Bills got was worth it.
  4. Will he be replacing Harris, Brown or Jones ?
  5. Didn't he show up for camp at about 265 a couple years ago ? ... Is he below 300 lbs nowadays ?
  6. I'm guessing they didn't go out for ice cream after the game.
  7. We have plenty of decoys without having to trade for another.
  8. I have you I get a HC job, I have Daniel Jones and I'll end up an OC again if I'm lucky.
  9. A good #2 WR scores TDs in 5 straight games, not 4.
  10. I didn't notice him, probably because he wasn't in on any plays.
  11. I'd also create numerous 4 letter words that will be instantly banned on here and on tv.
  12. It's not as good as it was before the London trip. The loss of Jones at DT will likely hurt the least as DT was solid with depth, though he's the soul of this defense. Losing Tre' hurts bad ... There's some decent depth here but Tre' was just rounding back to form and is still the best CB on the team. Losing Milano, the Heart of this defense will hurt real bad. Bernard has looked real good as a first year starter, second year player, Williams and everyone else is very raw, except Klein who was getting old a few seasons ago. There isn't anybody that can step into these three positions and not lose a beat or two on this roster. I expect the defense to regress, after playing the Giants that is. Over a quarter of our starting defense are already done for the year.
  13. Now that I've got the garbage plate craving out of my system ... It's going to be cool and cloudy so it'll be a perfect day to make a pot of chili for the first time this season. Simmering on the stove all day, the required shot of tequila added to the pot and to the cook, ( ok 2 or 3 or...) and a dried ghost pepper floating on top. A warmed up Vienna seedy bread and some shredded mexicheese. Looks like a good day to make some spiked cider as well ... Cider, spiced rum, cinnamon sticks, cloves, orange slices all warmed up on the stove.... Gonna be a good day, a great day when the Bills open a can of whoop ass on Daboll's Giants... if not I'll have a Giant hangover Monday. I'm Jonesing for a 1:00 game.
  14. I'd like to see Von get thru a game or two first without pulling or tearing something.
  15. You had to mention garbage plates didn't you ... Now I have a craving to run up to Tahou's ... I'll work on the BAC when I get home.
  16. It wasn't my fault, if it was up to me, the Bills would've played in Buffalo, won the game and not lost Milano and Jones for the year.
  17. Give them a 6th round pick for Jeudy and a 7th round pick, that seems to be how most trades are these days.
  18. Why didn't we draft Haloti Ngata ? But has Dak ever uttered the phrase "don't taze me bro" ?
  19. I don't think this game will be as easy as many here believe, you know that Daboll had this game circled as soon as the schedule came out. I think he wants to badly beat McDermott and so will his players, especially after being embarrassed pretty much all season, this is their Super Bowl. A hangover from going to London and losing a game they almost surely win at home and losing the heart and soul of this defense in Milano and Jones for the year, I could see them come out flat this game, we've seen it before.
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