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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. After all these years don't you just get the feeling that whoever they draft will end up a bust ? If they had gotten Newton he'd probably look like Trent. Von Miller would've probably been on IR by the end of September. AJ Green the same.
  2. That was great ... looked like a monty python skit.
  3. I knew that ... Billssuperbowlchampions ... would be safe
  4. The wind giveth and the wind will eventually taketh away.
  5. The only reason he's rated last in the AFC east is because he doesn't get the benefit of playing against our defense twice a year.
  6. What kind of captain would have a klingon on the bridge ? clearly Kirk > Picard
  7. It just took out London
  8. Robin Trower - Bridge of sighs
  9. Meh, the price of oil is rising as the holidays approach. Higher oil prices = higher gas prices = higher profits as more people travel. Come January the prices will drop. Until then ... it's hohoho, price gouging, here we go.
  10. Having two teenaged daughters I'll be helping the economy out no doubt. One thing I absolutely refuse to do however is to go shopping on Thanksgiving night or on black friday. I admit tho that there is great comedic value in watching people crushing each other to be the first in a store at 4:00 AM.
  11. If they were truly awesome they'd use hypnotoad as their logo.
  12. Foreign policy is easy. If you're a country that accepts a yearly stipend from the United States, you're on our payroll, do as you're told. Forget the middle east. They're entirely capable of annihilating themselves without our help. Let them. Tariffs. If you charge 25% on American imports, we charge 25% on crap that comes here from your country. If you attack our country, yours will cease to exist.
  13. They'll just wait til next year and slip a holiday shrubbery tax in another bill with a breathing tax.
  14. I'm hoping the earth opens up and swallows both teams.
  15. Joe Walsh without his guitar is a waste ... He didn't age so well
  16. Q1. Smithwicks ( Irish beer ... who knows beer better than the Irish ?) Q2. This seems not to be a question... I'll give an answer anyway ... If it helps get her off its a perk Q3. As long as there is some within reach ... isn't that good enough ?
  17. When group A & B are as incompetant as can possibly be... cough ... dems and reps ... cough ... Its time for groups CD&E to get their chance to fail like their predecessors.
  18. I don't get the beat down of Wyo (any woman that goes out and shoots rattle snakes in her garden is alright with me) and the majority of the other mods over the demise of the politics section over at BBMB. I'd tend to bet that decision came from BillSmod or higher up. The mods were just doing as they were told IMO. Sure a couple of the mods ... namely the one that was asked to resign a week or two into his stint ( he infracted me for spelling A$$, I felt like a common criminal lol)and the midwestern guy with no sense of humor were D-bags, but for the most part they weren't a bad group, just doing a thankless job. Being children about it didn't help either.
  19. As long as all levels of government remain inept, to put it nicely, I vote against all incumbants and with 3rd party candidates if available. Needless to say my candidates rarely win so I can always say ... not my fault, I didn't vote for them.
  20. Our offense should get back on track against the cowgirls but ...... We still can't stop the run and their rookie RB could easily drop 150 on our D, and we haven't been able to cover TEs in years and Witten is one of the best. If I had Witten and Murray in fantasy football I'd be drooling this week.
  21. The Jets mocking the Bills is nothing new, Last year Whitner whined about the same thing. The only way to stop it is to go out there and kick their butts all over the field, our team failed to do that and were mocked yet again.
  22. What fans there are in lala land won't support the Bills either. They've already failed at supporting the Chargers, Rams and Raiders, why would another team be any different.
  23. Kinda easy living on $4.50 a day when you know that after your week is done a big steak and lobster dinner awaits you ... probably on the taxpayers dime as well.
  24. I'd rather see him on the field all day. Where else can you find a guy who will miss tackles, over pursue and apply zero pressure on a QB ?
  25. Occupying is a good thing .... I think i'll occupy my local pub later today.
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