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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Such a shame that the worlds greatest golfer met a premature end, especially because I thought he was immortal.
  2. Jeff Fisher Bill Cowher U of Oregon HC Andy Reid Rex Ryan
  3. Patriots - Everything about them from the hoodied curmudgeon to the golden boy whiner to Vince Wilpork and The owner Kraft. Cowboys - Always hated them, always will. Yankees - Not football but any thread about most hated teams isn't complete if I don't throw them in. Duke basketball - Same as Yankees
  4. Playing against the 2011 defense, with Lynch and McGagme, would Losman even need to pass ?
  5. I voted Upshaw but would have gone with RG3
  6. Nothing better than watching the golden boy throwing cups of gatorade and moping on the sidelines. Watching Belicheat go from genius to clueless would also make my day.
  7. Wasn't AJ Smith the man who fired Schottenheimer after a 14-2 season ? please keep him as far away from Buffalo as possible
  8. Accompanied by his attorney, Mr. Friedman told reporters of the suspicions he had growing up that he was African American. “From an early age I was inexplicably drawn to black people. Their eating habits, their hairstyles and the way they spoke. Anyone who knows me can tell you the profound influence rap music has had on me. Throughout my life I always had a deep rooted suspicion that my biological father was a wealthy black man. Today I just want to express the jubilation I feel knowing that I am an African American.” Delashaun’s Attorney, Carson “Butch” Calhoun, issued a statement to reporters. “On Saturday my client experienced several profound, life altering revelations. At the age of forty-four he learned that his real father is a wealthy business man, a candidate running for the office of President of the United States and an African American. Individually these shocking truths would warrant compensation for long term, in-depth psychological counseling. But the emotional lump sum of these bewildering truths is too heavy a load for one person to bear without the comfort and support that only a sizable settlement would ensure.” This has to be one of the funniest things I've read in a longgggg time. Anyway, it appears the Pizza king should've been a little more greedy with his pepperoni.
  9. Coach is a friggin whackjob. Dragonslayer lmfao. This guy couldn't win a competition to save his life. Tho I've gotta admit, him being himself is comedy gold, I laugh at him whenever he starts talking. Next week they'll take out Brandon and his demons.
  10. I drew a penalty flag for not saving $120 on baggage charges ... naturally that flag was charged to the Bills and tacked on after Stevies TD catch.
  11. The reason Obama was elected in 2008 was because the economy was in the toilet. Its true that Obama has done nothing to improve it but it started long before he was elected, and yes Boooosh was at the helm when the economy went downhill, whether you want to believe it or not.
  12. As long as Nix is the GM, Gailey will be the Bills HC.
  13. I'd walk over you to buy a shoe, or a toaster, or a coffee maker..... Total bunch of whackjobs
  14. 11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.
  15. If they just tacked up players pictures on a wall and threw darts they couldn't do any worse than they have been.
  16. 7 carries 18 yards 2 receptions 12 yards
  17. Black friday, is that the day Americans trample each other and get in fights at stores to buy cheap crap made in china ? I'll pass.
  18. Donte "don't taze me bro" Whitner Marshawn hit n run Lynch
  19. How OBD could go into the season with only one guy who has ever snapped the ball in a game is beyond me. Pure incompetence on the part of Nix. But when you're as close to the salary cap as we were ..... oh wait
  20. Maybe they're afraid he'll get hurt tripping over the sideline.
  21. And I was thinking that the gift every Bils fan wants is playoff tix at the Ralph. Tho the 128 oz flask makes a good 2nd choice.
  22. How am I supposed to have a job in Rochester and buy her dinner in Hollywood ? B word is already getting bossy. Perhaps we could meet halfway, like maybe in North Dakota where much of the year a couple of her best attributes would be proudly on display.
  23. Thumbs up to the DHS for the millions of lives saved, however danger still lurks. The DHS next needs to educate us on the dangers of having stripper poles in our bedrooms. Can you not see how many lives could be saved ? All power to the DHS.
  24. Forget feeding Cory Mac the ball on just 3rd down, run him the whole game. Start with our 5 o-linemen, put TEs on both sides and another TE in as Fullback, Brad Smith at QB, Cory Mac and Spiller in the wishbone. Give it to C-Mac every play in the 1st Q and do some bullying to the jests. Beats the hell out of watching our WRs get jammed at the line and Fitzerratic getting chased all over the field.
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