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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. The Redskins lost at home Sunday .... that means the challenger, Romney wins.
  2. Gailey voted but he forgot to vote for president much like he forgot to use Spiller.
  3. President - Gary Johnson (Libertarian) Senate - Chris Edes (Libertarian) Congress - Louise Slaughter (D)
  4. Best guitarist I ever saw live.
  5. No.... Just stating the obvious
  6. You know a politician is lying when their lips move.
  7. A vote for either of these clowns is a vote for the status quo.
  8. If the Mayans were so smart, how come they didn't predict their own demise ?
  9. 50 - Started off as a Baltimore Colts fan. Became a Bills fan the day the moving trucks left Baltimore for Indianapolis. The Bills better not move because I'm too damned old to start rooting for another team.
  10. So, the Chinese are becoming more and more like us.
  11. He's a politician, you can't expect him to tell the truth. Whether its Obama or Biden, Romney or Ryan they wouldn't know the truth if it bit them on their corrupt asses
  12. And neither side gives a rats ass about the American people. Accomplish so little ? He is the President. An uninspiring one to be sure but to claim he has never accomplished anything is disengenuous. And as far as Romney is concerned, part of what has made him successful in business is a big part of Americas downfall. I'll probably vote Romney myself just to watch the Republicans squirm for the next 4 years like the dems have been squirming the last 4. If nothing else its time for new jokes.
  13. When Romney wins nothing will change. For the next 4 years we'll listen to the Reublicans blame Obama for our fiscal mess just like we've been listening to Democrats blaming Bush for the fiscal mess the past 4 years. Until we have leaders that will work with one another for the benefit of the American people, we'll continue to sink into the abyss.
  14. I find it hard to believe that anybody actually wants either of these candidates. This is America, surely theres somebody better out there.
  15. The best thing about Obamacare is that with the Republicans voting against it 472 times, it keeps congress away from screwing other things up.
  16. 85% Jill Stein - Is she running ? 82% Jimmy McMillan - the rents too damn high 81% Ron Paul 44% Barack Obama 44% Mitt Romney 88% New York Voters 89% American Voters 85% Green 75% Libertarian 44% Democrat 44% Republican
  17. Jets add a pass rusher in Coples and Patriots add a pass rusher in Jones, good thing LTs aren't important and grow on trees.
  18. It won't have a chance of hitting Brady. Matt Light will just hold it and not get flagged.
  19. Martin Reiff Brown Coples Ingram
  20. She is right about this ..... She said the two major parties aren't serving the American people. "The Democrats and Republicans have proven that they are servants -- bought and paid for by the 1% -- who are not doing what's in the best interest of the American people," Barr said. But, Roseanne as President .... ummmmmm NO
  21. AOL weird news. A team of shipwreck hunters that found a strange circular object on the floor of the Baltic Sea in 2011 now says they have discovered visual evidence of a second "disc-like shape" some 200 meters from the original find, CNN reports. Peter Lindberg, who leads the group, previously joked to CNN that the first object they found 300 feet below the surface might be an unidentified flying object. When the object, which has a diameter of 195 feet, was first discovered in June of last year, many believers thought it was a wrecked UFO that had crashed onto the seafloor and left behind a path of destruction measuring some 900 feet, according to News.com.au. CNN explains how the team discovered the objects: The imaging technique involves pulling a sonar "towfish" -- that essentially looks sideways underwater -- behind a boat, where it creates sound echoes to map the sea floor below. The team is waiting until the spring to further investigate their intriguing discovery. According to Yahoo News, the Baltic Sea is a hotbed for salvaged items. "Right now, we know about 20,000 objects, mostly shipwrecks, in the Baltic Sea. But I think there may be more than 100,000," sonar expert Ardreas Olsson told Yahoo News. "I'm not sure what you will see when you go down. But I'm excited. It's going to be interesting to see what it is." PHOTOS: ARE THESE UFOS? Sunken Ship in the Baltic Sea 1 of 8 On June 19th the Swedish-based diving company Ocean Explorer discovered something they've never quite seen before. They were exploring in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Finland looking for sunken treasures when a very unusual image suddenly appeared on the sonar. A 197 feet diameter cylinder shaped object was discovered at the depth of approximately 275 feet which resembles the Millennium Falcon from the movie Star Wars.
  22. Apparently a 2nd smaller "UFO" was found 200 meters from the 1st.
  23. Pepto Bismol - With Brady in yet another super bowl, watching the crybaby will give me heartburn
  24. As an Independent, I want to know why the Republicans are throwing the upcoming presidential election. There is not one single person in their field that stands a snowballs chance in hell of being elected. Gingrich - He's starting to make Clinton and Blowinski look mild. Romney - Catholics have a tough time getting elected, a Mormon for prez is just not happening. Perry, Santorum - Either would struggle to get 1% of the Indy voters. As lame as Obama has been as President, He'll win in a landslide bigger than him vs McCain. So the question is ..... Why throw the election ?
  25. I use it to pay my taxes. Go into town hall, empty bucket, ask for receipt.
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