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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Just give him the Vince Wilpork elbow to the knee.
  2. I like both but if someone were to ask if I'd rather hear some Beatles or Rolling Stones right now I'd go with the Stones.
  3. At one time it looked like he'd break Jack Nicklaus' major record, now I'm not sure he could beat Jack one on one.
  4. There should be plenty of parking at the church next door to the armory, at least there was when I was there a couple years ago unless there's something happening at the Auditorium theater across the street that night. There isn't a lot of seating there so expect to stand most of the night. It also gets very loud in there.
  5. Cyril Richardson As a college senior he was a unanimous all american selection, with some good coaching he'll become abeast.
  6. Both together Atta boy Bill
  7. Hell no ... I'd punish my own child before turning him in and possibly ruining the rest of his life at age 15.
  8. Todays lunch menu in Dorval .... Poutine with a rich pork gravy with sides of Canadian and American bacon. For those that don't want it, bring your own lunch. As for the hotel owner in England, it's his business and he can run it anyway he sees fit. I'd choose to stay elsewhere because dammit I want my drunken cherries.
  9. Chris Cornell Robert Plant Bob Marley Steven Hinds Brandon Boyd
  10. I thought their season was done in by an offense that feared the end zone.
  11. You should've paid me more than they did.
  12. Shirley Manson - Garbage Ann Wilson - Heart Margo Timmons - Cowboy Junkies
  13. I'm all for global warming .... I'm cold.
  14. After 6 years of Obama, Pelosi, Reed etc ... Comedians well of jokes has run dry. Bring on the Republicans for some fresh humor.
  15. They let the guy go therefore he didn't technically escape. Is it really his fault that the people running the prison are morons.
  16. Zweigles Red or white, in the casings or not, reppin the hometown dog. Sahlens and Hoffmans are also good and I must admit I've never had a Nathans or a Hewbrew National. The worst I've ever had are Sugardale and Oscar Mayer
  17. Guess we know her favorite position
  18. The only time in the past 20 years I didn't get the flu shot was the only time in the past 20 years that I got the flu. Got my shot a couple weeks ago.
  19. These California off ramps suck
  20. Shouldn't Hardy be suspended for as long as Rice ?
  21. Colt McCoy .... He's 3rd string on the Redskins, I bet we could get him for our 2nd round pick next year. Captain checkdown and JP probably aren't doing much these days
  22. Isn't asking who is worse between Bush and Obama the same as asking which is worse between the bubonic plague and ebola ?
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