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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Your posts are one sided, as much so as the blithering idiot you're having an argument with is one sided. The wall will stop Mexicans from returning to Mexico
  2. Would President of the US of A be considered an institution or should he just be confined to one ?
  3. Mattis will be fired this week after Orange Julius fires Tillerson.
  4. If she gets down real low in front of me, I would protect her. I mean, who would be afraid of these ISIS kitties ?
  5. The Dolphins should just trade him to the patriots for a future 7th round pick.
  6. Do they have any of those snappy bracelet things they used last year left ? Or better yet maybe they can make everybody except the guy committing the penalty run a lap, it sure worked wonders last year.
  7. Yeah, he got away with a few things which was to be expected, when you're out of your element you resort to what you know.
  8. If it was an MMA fight, McGregor would've won easily, you could tell he was uncomfortable with just boxing, a few times he looked like he wanted to throw Mayweather to the mat and ground n pound him. I'd like to see a rematch in the cage.
  9. Now that sheriff joe is free he could be the overseer of thousands of illegal Mexicans building the wall. Winning.
  10. A third party candidate over anyone from the two established parties of fail. The 2020 election will be between president Pence vs weekend at Bernies.
  11. If McCoy gets the ball on the first four plays tonight, he's as good as gone, just like Sammy.
  12. Eggs Benedict, home fries, mimosas
  13. I could see McGregor getting DQ'd for a kick, a knee, an elbow, something that is legal in MMA. Mayweather hasn't knocked anyone out in years so it could go the distance, but I could also see something controversial so they can exploit a 2nd fight.
  14. Wasn't it the first defensive play last week where Poyer dropped the RB for a loss ?
  15. Meh ... Who hasn't been drunk and naked in Wyoming ?
  16. I remember the glorious Simms backwards pass ... SMDH
  17. I voted top 20 and think they'll be middle of the road 15th or 16th. The defensive line should be one of the best in the league and will get a ton of sacks, the safeties should be improved over last year as well. As far as the CBs, I think the rookie will play as well as Gilmore, who I think was overrated, but trading our best CB away two weeks ago will hurt this group. I also think our LB group is average at best. At least they should have 11 on the field on every play unlike with the Ryan twins.
  18. Should the NFL do away with the National Anthem ? Only if they do away with beer.
  19. I envision this for the fence though, it'll keep Mexicans and Gators out.
  20. The wall needs to be more impressive than the Great Wall of China, anything less would be shameful.
  21. I'm guessing yes, it'll energize his base.
  22. A Chiefs vs Rams Super Bowl turning both of our picks into end of round picks and Sammy getting SB MVP.
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