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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. HAHA ... I was raised Episcopalian and always referred to it as Catholic lite too.
  2. Horseradish cheese or Gouda on a Keebler Toasteds sesame seed cracker.
  3. It would make a fine fire starter but I have news papers and lint from my dryer for that. I wouldn't take a copy of that trash out from the library.
  4. Or maybe even a first scoop Of course he always looks pissed anyway
  5. If looks could kill... Orange Julius looks so pissed that he was dissed.
  6. Safety ... Hyde will be a star and I think Poyer will be fine. Colt Anderson is a special teams player and I've never heard of Shamiel Gary until we signed him. For f**** sake, re-sign Corey Graham to be the backup, he's certainly better than both of the backups we have. TE ... This spot is 2nd on the list because of Clay's Knees. As far as backing him up, I believe the only reason O'leary was kept around last year was because Rex wanted to go golfing with his grandpa. We have no legitimate backup plan ... Sign Barnidge !!!
  7. I'm pretty sure that the U of R and their hospital, Strong Memorial are the biggest employer in Rochester. That may have something to do with it. I remember the story as it went down but had no idea the extent of how bad it was.
  8. Pulp Fiction Monty Python and the Holy Grail The Big Lebowski
  9. The only group of people in this country that are worse at their jobs than NFL refs "work" in Washington DC. Both Walt's being put out to pasture would be a great start to the overhaul that needs to happen.
  10. Last year the starters barely saw the field in preseason and in the first couple of games they looked like they hadn't played in 8 months. Completely holding them out all summer is not a good idea.
  11. Stupid is as stupid does This weeks Darwin award winner
  12. Gillislee did his job ... His job this year will be as the patriots #2 or maybe #3 RB.
  13. Karlos Williams ? ..... We could always use a backup Tackle. Does that mean he failed a third drug test ?
  14. The INT King keeps getting jobs in the NFL and will be starting for the Bucs at some point this year (wherever Fitz goes the starter gets hurt) and you're sitting in your kitchen cooking Turkey necks ... time to look in the mirror Vinny.
  15. I'll bet it got noisy at the hospital with Celino & Barnes type ambulance chasers vying for the business of the guy in the truck that rolled, they could go after both of those morons.
  16. I can see the Bills challenging the Miami Water Mammals for 2nd in the East and I don't see any evidence at all of attempting to tank. The writer mentioned losing 3 of our top 4 WRs yet Zay Jones should be more than adequate to replace Woods and Holmes has to be better than Goodwin or Hunter. If Sammy can have a half dozen or so healthy games we're better at that position. Losing Gilmore ? ... I always thought he was over rated, was a terrible tackler or a hurdle with his close eyes, lower head and shoulder style and took too many penalties. I think White will be just fine in that spot. Losing Gillislee ? ... We have Williams, now in his 2nd year and we don't have to pay him 4.5 large a year. That's too expensive for a back up RB. I do believe they were right that we'll be fighting for the #1 draft spot but it's because we have 3 first round picks to give up for it (2 in 2017, 1 in 2018) so we're in the running if we choose to be.
  17. HC - Doug Marrone ... He got us to 9-7, no one else did OC - Mike Mularkey ... Came down to Moo or Gailey, had to go with Mularkey DC - Gregg Williams ... Solid DC in this league, I couldn't care less about bounty gate ST - Perry Fewell ... Best of the rest and would prefer a ST coach from the defensive side of the ball
  18. Whoever wins this race, I can't wait for the morning after twits from the circus peanut President. Watch out though, I've heard from reliable sources that 3 million illegal lefties are on their way down to Georgia to vote.
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