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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Crossman, Castillo and the guy in the booth telling McClappy to throw the red flag, as well as pretty much everyone mentioned so far in this thread.
  2. Are you all new Bills fans ? .... this crap has been happening to this team for years, today was just another one, nothing new.
  3. Anybody not named Kelvin Benjamin should've caught that ball.
  4. Please don't activate #13 again this season ... Offer him a ride to the airport tomorrow and be done with him.
  5. I'd have called for the deep ball but Edwards was the QB and he would've checked it down.
  6. About 10 years ago I nearly knocked myself out cold on a golf course.... I was about 15 feet behind a tree that was only about a foot wide at the base and where the lowest branch was about 8-10 feet above the ground. So I figure I can use my "tree iron" which is an old 1 iron, I could easily keep the ball lower than the branches and get the ball safely into the fairway, WRONG, the ball hits the tree about 3 feet up and ricochet's straight back and hits me square on the chin before I even finished my swing. My knees buckled and I dropped to the ground and just sat there for a few before getting back up.
  7. Maybe it's just me but I think QRSTU has a better ring to it.
  8. I remember a comment he made one time about why he hated Bills fans so much, it kinda went like this ... When we go up to Buffalo and our fans go into their stadium they get the **** kicked out of them by Bills fans. Then the Bills come down to Miami and their fans come down and kick the **** out of our fans in our own stadium, that's why I hate them.
  9. If Kiko needs a place to crash, I'll leave the door unlocked for him.
  10. AJ Green is getting older so a 3rd or 4th sounds reasonable. OBJ ... No thanks ... Diva headcase makes me pass
  11. Please don't fall on top of me ....... (the pic makes it look like an unearthly tilt)
  12. To be the co-captain of my yacht certainly ... To play on my football team ... no effin way
  13. I don't have a problem with the rule, a rule that has been around for a long time. Don't fumble it out of the end zone.
  14. This officiating crew should be embarrassed by the job they did today and the NFL should be embarrassed for putting them out there. Truly abysmal.
  15. Offense - Allen Defense - Williams Honorable mention - Lawson ... Fournette getting tossed changed the momentum of the game.
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