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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. I find it difficult to believe that Gruden would cut a QB.
  2. The team that drafted him ... the Vikings gave up on him ... The Panthers signed him because his brother was a solid player for them ... They tossed him to the curb ... Pass
  3. You're either a glutton for punishment or enjoy a good laugh.
  4. That's because Bills fans chased the fin fans out of their own stadium.... I still see way too much Phins gear on people in Rochester.
  5. Screw Dolphin fans and they do exist I can't wait for another 10 or 15 years when Brady finally retires. I'll never feel sorry for their sad ass fan base.
  6. OK, I haven't seen this mentioned yet and I'll be the low life that does .... Why haven't we signed anyone today ? Just kidding, really ?
  7. If he's busy waiting for Ziggy to ink a contract I'd be happy to wait.
  8. Cox did have one of the greatest quotes ever though ... I think it went something like this ... "I hate Buffalo, when we go and play up there, their fans kick the **** out of our fans. And when they come down to Miami, their fans come down and kick the **** out of our fans. Aaron Hernandez was a psychopathic murderer Gronkowski is white trash to the highest degree
  9. The Bills should at least paint the visitors locker room ... I'm thinking a nice coating of pink ... They say pink makes people docile.
  10. But Frankenstein can't go deep. Actually, I think the Bills have done a solid job setting themselves up to take the BPA.... Metcalf probably is not BPA at #9 ... What if Haskins or the Okie QB is BPA @9 and you can't trade back, do you go QB in back to back drafts ? Give me a guy in the gutter ... OT Taylor or DT Oliver.
  11. He gets open and he catches the ball ... I like this signing.
  12. Thank you Mrs William ? ..... English was never my best subject ?
  13. Brown won't be able to tackle and hold DE's in Vegas like he was able to do it in BobKraftville.
  14. Now the Raiders need to trade Carr as they've been threatening to do. I hope Brown enjoys playing in a high school stadium this year.
  15. Brown would develop hamstring issues much like Jairus Byrd developed foot issues.
  16. Just draft our own guy in the 1st so he can work his a** off to be able to spout the ego that AB or OBJ have. Younger and cheaper and would take a few years before becoming a total dick like those other Primadonna WR's
  17. Once you start thinking about retirement ... you're already retired. He has already retired and contemplated it before ... Let him be somebody else' Vontae Davis.
  18. 12 million for a #2 WR seems a bit steep considering we already have a couple of #2's ... We need a #1 WR.... hard pass for me at that price.
  19. He's definitely better than Russ Brandon and Marv but it's too early for the anointing oil... I am hopeful though.
  20. Protect our QB before anything else- Jawaan Taylor.
  21. Jim Kelly The music needs to be that dude from Buffalo that got booted from American Idol.
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