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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. My theory or should I say wild ass guess is more plausible. Tom Brady is an alien from a galaxy far far away. The TB12 diet is an undetectable performance enhancer from his home planet where 43 in Earth years is equivalent to 20 back home.
  2. I can understand this execs thinking, we didn't improve upon our punting. Pretty much everything else except LB has been upgraded and we still have the draft to improve that.
  3. I'll take the Steelers please and thank you.
  4. If I was trapped in Texas .... yeah I'd do her. If she came up to NY I'd do her too. But I'm a pig anyway.
  5. Lindstrom in the 2nd sounds fine, the rest of their draft sucks.
  6. Quinnen Williams will go #2 to the 49ers, it would cost too much moving up to their spot.
  7. Home vs the patriots ... Great way to start the year by beating the Super Bowl champions. Ending Bratty's season week 1 would be an added bonus.
  8. Playing next to crazy Incognito hid his awfulness.
  9. Ickey Woods What list would be complete without Shaud Williams ? ... He picked up 10 yards a lot but they only gave him the ball to run draws on 3rd and 20.
  10. Howard improves the Eagles at the RB position. He's better and is injured less frequently than Ajayi, good move by the Eagles but not what we need here.
  11. Only if the city of Buffalo moved to the state of Alabama
  12. No ... the one to her left.... Shaking my head ...
  13. Agreed ... One of my all time favorite players though so I'll make him #1 in my book.
  14. Looking at the first pic in this thread, she got those cocaine eyes ... look at those pupils
  15. What we need most is someone to shred Tom Brady's knee week one.
  16. Bryce Love in the 6th ... No wonder the Bills have Rochester mayor Lovely reading the pick.
  17. No ... Hate to say it but I think Russ Brandon deserves the credit for training camp at SJF.
  18. He'll come out of retirement as soon as someone offers him 100 million to fight again.
  19. Kraft will find out that it's more difficult to pay off a jury than to pay off a couple of Walt's.
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