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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. I'm guessing JA will throw a 50 yard bomb to Foster today ... It'll hit Foster in the back of his helmet. McKittrick will gain 40 yards today, run someone over and will be forever known as McKittruck.
  2. ??? I just woke up from a nap ... Now I should be good for a few more hours.
  3. I think I read why your team sucks a couple of times but never paid attention to where it came from. Other than that I never read it, never really thought about it.
  4. Thanks for saving me from making a trip to the patent office and dashing all of my hopes. ?
  5. As a kid I was a Colts fan until they moved to Indianapolis. After that I decided to follow the most local team, which was the Bills. There is never a game that I root against them tho I may boo them as I did at halftime of the Dolphins game and after a weak performance vs the Eagles last week, from my home. I've yelled at them many times as well for stupid plays, stupid hires (Rex, Brandon) etc... But I guess that's because I'm a fan and as such I want them to succeed. I dislike the Jests and the Phins and detest anything and everything patriots. I wouldn't even buy a certain Jeep model because it has that name on it. I'll be a fan until the Bills leave WNY or until I get turned to ash.
  6. A propane driveway ... It'll look kind of like your backyard grill grate. You turn the propane on from inside your house, then press an igniter button and in 10 minutes no more snow in your driveway. You can also use it to cook entire sides of beef or entire bambi's.
  7. If he can go a half of a game without getting flagged he'd be an improvement over someone on our roster.
  8. I could be talked into it, but only on days that end with the letter Y
  9. Bottoms of both feet, they hurt with every step I take and have for years now. Half jokingly I've asked my doctor to amputate them, sadly he refuses.
  10. The only thing it seems he could be talking about is trades at the deadline and the only one I've seen them make or remember, is trading for Box of Twinkies Benjamin.
  11. Yeah ... In Buffalo he got flagged a lot for holding or pass interference. In New England he plays the same but doesn't get called. If he got traded to Cincinnati or most teams, he'd go back to being a oft flagged CB, he'd become the CB version of Lee Smith, flagged enough to create a yellow clothing line.
  12. He is kind of like Lee Smith in that regard. During Smith's first tenure here, he was flagged 15 yards for unsportsman like conduct while standing on the sideline in his street clothes.
  13. Sure call a time out so Fitz and the tanks can cost me my fantasy game with another turnover.
  14. The Dolphins need to just take a knee the rest of the game, it'll be less painful to watch.
  15. It was catchable if Foster could track a ball. That could be the reason he barely gets his name called.
  16. Josh did have a nice deep ball yesterday but because Bob Foster can't track a ball it landed two feet behind him.
  17. Dorsey used to be a QB, at least he might have a clue.
  18. The Dolphins should just throw in the towel at this point.
  19. C- It'll become an F- when JA ends up in traction after his 15th QB sweep in any given game and goes on IR.
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