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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. The men in stripes seem to be superior in the college game. 15 yards seems like enough of a penalty on the defense for pass interference. Offensive pass interference in the NFL is only 10 yards, yet it could be 40 or 50 or more against the defense.
  2. Sorry for your loss Clem Beautiful pic of your dad, you and your son.
  3. Frank Gifford, Dandy Don Meredith and Howard Cosell. Turn out the lights ... the party's over
  4. If they're talking football, then yes, The Bills are better than UB, Syracuse, Army, Hofstra etc ... If they're talking best team in NY you might have to give that title to the Yankees. The Bills are up there though.
  5. Limu Emu and Doug ... All I can think about when one of those commercials come on is that I'll bet Emu tastes as good as Ostrich and Doug needs to be found in a dumpster in an alley somewhere.
  6. Offense - matriculate the ball down the field and into the end zone Defense - Bring pain on every play Special teams - just don't **** everything up
  7. Ravens 24 Bills 26 The Ravens all world kicker hits the upright from 37 yards on the games final play. Chiefs beat the patriots putting us into a tie for 1st and putting destiny into the Bills own hands.
  8. I was living off Monroe by Goodman ... We got our power back the 2nd day. woke about 3 AM to what sounded like breaking glass over and over. When I realized it was coming from outside I looked out the window to see branches falling and the ice shattering as it hit the ground, it was wild.
  9. Are you saying that in the end he won't back down ?
  10. Ravens vs 9ers though the remote will get a workout Chiefs vs Oakvegas I don't watch the patriots anymore so tonight will be a movie
  11. If I was a rich athlete, I'd want the girl with the big fish for a bra.
  12. Why would any of this surprise anyone ? It is the NFL's favorite team after all. Tom Brady must win Super Bowl titles to make you believe it's legit.
  13. I'd rather win the Super Bowl .... But I'm just greedy.
  14. Boycott my 4th straight Super Bowl ? ... Meh, why not. Last year was easy doing a GOT marathon... This year I may just drink heavily early in the day and pass out til midnight.
  15. When we're up 49-0 against the patriots at the half, and Bellichick wants to throw the white flag of shame ... Nah, I'd shoot for the 100 point mark.
  16. Meh ... Last nights game got me an extra hour of sleep since I turned the game off just after halftime. I think the Rams went to bed early as well.
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