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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. Feliciano started a number of games at Center last year so Allen had a lot of practice time with him. Bates, being a backup probably gets most of his practice time with the backup QB and little time with Allen.
  2. He looked woozy as he was helped off the field yesterday, not a good sign. I was concussed a year ago and I still wake up dizzy every once in a while, not fun.
  3. Not only that but he'd moan about the team having to pick 32nd in the draft.
  4. My wife laughed at my comment that they should send him over the falls in a barrel.
  5. Diggs was pissed off because he didn't finish his route, leading to the INT.
  6. For the most part this entire defense has been pretty bad this season other than the 2nd half against the Jests. What changed in the 2nd half ? ... Did McCoach take over the play calling duties over Frasier ? ... It's happened before. I'm looking forward to the game Sunday to see if they continue to play how they finished up the Jests game or if they go back to looking conservative and at best, bland.
  7. Congratulations Enjoy every minute of it.
  8. He will look like toast getting burnt routinely.
  9. 1. Fumigation of the swamp ... AKA The White House. 2. Take the Corona Virus seriously 3. Send the white supremacists back under the rocks from which they emerged 4. Re-establish relations with countries that we were allies with and that now half laugh and half have pity on us 5. Make America Great Again
  10. It might be too early to predict their demise but I smile every time they lose a game.
  11. With a hit that hard I'd bet Hyde would've been flagged if he hit him in the ribs.
  12. Seems like the team went to **** when they benched Spain.
  13. The DL has been bad. The players that returned from last year, Hughes, Oliver, Murphy, Phillips have all regressed and Star opted out. Picking up players from the used Panthers pile haven't matched J.Phillips or Lawson. LB - Edmunds has regressed, Milano has been either hurt and out or hurt and playing anyway. Klein has not replaced Lorax. CB - White isn't playing like he is capable of, Taron Johnson has regressed, Norman is sometimes good but often not so much. S - Neither Poyer or Hyde are playing as well as they have in the past. This defense has a lot of talent, why are so many of these talented players regressing this year. Something changed and it needs to go back to what it was.
  14. I still like the 4 Tackle and a Center formation ... 2 yards and a cloud of rubber pellets.
  15. I believe the saying is that CB's are just WR's that can't catch, sooooo Move McKittrick from WR/Trick plays to CB. Forget about Guards, just line up Morse and four Tackles. Problem solved, this GM thing is easy. 😷 ... I have plans for Bojorquez too.
  16. Can't pressure much less sack the QB Can't stop the run Receivers generally have 5-7 yard cushions Tackling could improve That's all, not much wrong with the D
  17. The Washington Football Team ... WARNING ... Contains no real football players.
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