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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. More like trump would be humping Putin's leg again.
  2. If it wasn't for that Democratic hoax (Covid-19) maybe sleepy Joe wouldn't have inherited such a mess.
  3. Only if you drive 35-40 miles to buy your hots, chips and ketchup and you live in California.
  4. You funny Has he stopped the steal yet ? ... Better yet, has he stopped crying about it yet ? Even Putin didn't help him this time.
  5. Crashing into a liquor store is alcohol abuse. SMDH
  6. First phone call was to his date rape drug dealer. Roofie pops, ohhhhhhhhhhh yeahhhhhhhhh
  7. Happy Canada Day A day of Poutine, Labatts or Molson ... better yet both and some Blue Jays, as well as saluting the flag at the top of the page sounds good to me. Hosers 😁
  8. Who is running the executive branch ? Adults for a change.
  9. In retirement trump will do the three things he does best ... 1. Whip his cult into a frenzy 2. Cheat on the golf course 3. Declare bankruptcy
  10. Sasquatch must be sweating his hairy *** off. Stay cool, stay hydrated.
  11. I've read that there are still 99 people unaccounted for.
  12. A Gatling gun is on my wish list, for protection and hunting.
  13. Prosperity was rising under the Obama administration, trump just rode his coattails. Peace, is that what you'd call the last year and the way it all kinda started out with the scene in Virginia early on with the white supremists. You remember the one where someone was killed getting run down by one of America's finest, which caused the lunatic in charge to claim "there are good people on both sides". Not to mention inciting an insurrection on 1/6/21. Oh, also having the demonstrators outside the white house shot with rubber bullets and snap bombs or whatever they called those explosives so dear leader could have his photo op.
  14. It wasn't outrageous, it was comedy gold that the man who ***** everything up ****** that up. As far as my guy being in office, the only reason I voted Biden was a vote against the wannabe dictator and liar in chief trump. The rapid decay of this country began 5 years ago with the running of and electoral college victory of a seriously damaged man.
  15. So, during this "fence repair" trump and his band of merry morons decided to take a walk and bring along a bible, which I'm sure trump reads daily, so trump could hold it (upside down) when some rogue person with a camera, who obviously was unknown to trump, took that infamous photo. The gullibility of America continues.
  16. With chicken wings. They give the DT an order of wings, they can choose mild, medium and hot with either ranch or blue cheese... Instant cut = mild, ranch and leaving too much meat on the bones Probable cut = medium and ranch Practice squad candidate = Hot and Blue Cheese Makes the team = Suicidal hot, Blue Cheese, asks for another order of wings, eats it all including the bones
  17. Eli Ankou doesn't stand a chance at the buffet vs those two.
  18. Washington Nameless Washington Congress Critters Washington Senate Slugs Washington Monuments Washington Wasps Washington Weasels Washington Georges Washington Weeds Washington Insurrectionists Washington Whiteskins All of these beat WFT
  19. I would imagine that refusing to follow league protocol, he would refuse being tested for covid as well. If he refuses that, he really should just retire as he'd be suspended anyway.
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