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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. No, I suppose you can leave out the defecating on the floor part, that just makes them trumpian.
  2. Yes, everyone that entered the building after beating up the police, causing damage to the Capitol building, attempting to keep the Congress/Senate from doing their jobs, calling for the lives of Pence and Pelosi, defecating on the floor of the Capitol building (a classy bunch) but you know exactly what the definition of insurrection is.
  3. When you lead a failed insurrection and don't have the backing of the military you leave either on your own two feet or in a body bag. There was only so much time that trump could hide in his bunker beneath the White House before the military came in and put him in the bag.
  4. I'd take that like a man and find something else to do instead of whining like a baby about it.
  5. trump and his insurrectionist rioters. Go put the dunce cap on and sit in the corner kid.
  6. One Capitol Police officer was murdered, one was stabbed, another had his eyes gouged, more were beaten, if they got a hold of Pence or Pelosi there would likely have been more murders, I'm not concerned in the least how these traitors to America are treated.
  7. The Border Patrol agents are just doing a better job under Biden than they did under trump. How is the wall coming along the Colorado border these days ?
  8. Those involved in last years riots that committed crimes should be tried and jailed if convicted. Those involved in breaking into the Capitol Building and physically attacking the Capitol Police should also be tried and jailed if convicted. Those who led reconnaissance tours of the Capitol on 1/5 to the Oath Keepers etc... should be tried and removed from office and jailed if convicted.
  9. It's a good thing trump never joined TBD, it wouldn't be long before he received the banhammer for breaking the TOS repeatedly and then he would sue SDS. I hope the judge hearing this decides that the lawsuit is frivolous and hits him with a large penalty for wasting the courts time and comes down hard on trumps attorney.
  10. And that was the least secure audit in the history of audits. Seriously an audit done by republicans without any watchdogs allowed and you want to believe it. There is no way to prove fraud because it just didn't exist. Just because your friends over at Q-Anutz says it's so, it almost certainly is not. Nah, don't give him anything he didn't earn. No reason to satisfy his ridiculously large ego.
  11. Due to the Delta, they should go with the expanded Practice Squads again this season.
  12. We are a regional team ... All of North America is our region.
  13. We haven't traded for him yet ? I have a feeling this thread will still be going in December.
  14. This year I hope they don't reschedule games, you play with what you've got.
  15. He has gotten a Super Bowl ring in his last two stops, could he make it 3 in a row, there should be room on the practice squad for him. Or hire him to be a Running Backs coach with a possibility of signing him as a Running Back if Singletary, Moss and Breida all go down. Plus I've heard of him, what could be better.
  16. The hate and division in this country is growing rapidly, bad things are going to continue happening at a rapid pace, civil war part II isn't out of the realm of possibility. Soon whites will be the minority in this country, that'll be interesting. .
  17. You don't honestly think trump will allow anyone to challenge him for the trumpistanian party nomination do you ?
  18. Like being President, couldn't do that either. Soon he'll be gnawing at the straps of his straitjacket.
  19. Why does this sound familiar ?
  20. Heights 🐀🐀 Rats Mushrooms and Cauliflower
  21. I saw them there exactly 3 years earlier with Bob Dylan and Tom Petty... July 4 1986 Leaving Buffalo 4th day of July... Sun so hot, clouds so low , eagles filled the sky.
  22. The testosterone level is above 10 I'm guessing.
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