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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. A good guy with a gun lost his life in Buffalo, and he was a retired police officer.
  2. How about SAM's... Because you know, for protection ... After all it's just another weapon of war
  3. The assault weapons ban becoming defunct in 2004
  4. I believe that was sarcasm.
  5. Cool uniforms and maybe some cowboy hats. Apparently While these police officers were keeping the peace across the street, at least one parent ran into the school and got her children out.
  6. Geneticists are busy working on 4 winged chickens.
  7. This keeps happening over and over and over again, obviously our children don't matter. This country has gone full out devo
  8. You can't buy a beer or a pack of smokes until you're 21, why can you buy guns when you're 18 ? Guns are more important than children in this country.
  9. I wonder if they change the words to their post murder spree speeches or just use the same one every time.
  10. Which state will be host to next weeks mass murder ? Thoughts and prayers doesn't cut it anymore
  11. Spiking the ball to stop the clock should be intentional grounding as well ... A. The QB is between the tackles B. The ball isn't being thrown to a receiver C. The ball doesn't make it to the line of scrimmage. D. The ball is being intentionally grounded
  12. Is this Langley's tape to send to the Chiefs ?
  13. Luckily for all of the teams in the AFC West, they play 11 games against non division rivals.
  14. Yes it is ... The Aliens are using Voyager 1 to communicate with the UFO on the ocean floor.
  15. 20 is the most I've ever eaten and the last 4 or 5 went down slow. The place I ate 20 has some meaty wings though.
  16. Allen and Mahomes are the best QB's in the AFC... The Chiefs are our main competition.
  17. Now this is a roast
  18. Marty Feldman - Young Frankenstein Martin Sheen - Apocalypse Now Mickey Rourke - Sin City Peter Dinklage - Game Of Thrones Stephen Baldwin - Bio Dome
  19. Buying a hot dog and a beer would put us over the cap.
  20. CB - If Tre' is ready to go to start the season we'll be fine. If he's not we'll be starting Jackson who's young and improved from year 1 to year 2, hopefully he takes another step in year 3. We'll likely also start Elam, who I think will be really good, but rookies will make rookie mistakes, and we'll have Taron Johnson in the slot who is very good. We also have the benefit of a very good pair of starters at Safety. Again it all depends on Tre'.
  21. It was the early 80's
  22. Not defending Watson here but when was he charged with rape ? He asked girls for extras during a massage which I'm sure they get often in their profession. That makes him a horn dog not a rapist. He also moved around trying to get his junk touched by the girls, which makes him a scumbag, which will end up costing him millions and destroy whatever reputation he has left. But he's rich, famous and a football player, they don't live by the same laws as the rest of us.
  23. He's just waiting to get a call from the Bills late in the season after our backup pulls a hammy in practice.
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