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Everything posted by frostbitmic

  1. At the end of the Dallas game they essentially gave Dallas 8 more seconds as it was. They took 4 seconds off the play clock and added 4 seconds to the game clock. It was bordering on a stupid play call and Dak should've gone down 10 yards shorter than he did.
  2. Boger and crew have always been bad. Not only should they not get another post season game, they shouldn't even get a regular season game.
  3. Copy cats, I guess it is a copy cat league, time to one up them and get Bass a TD, Andy Reid will never expect it and will have to wait until next season to implement that play into his bag of tricks.
  4. We have Touchdown Tommy Doyle, the Chiefs do not ... Game, set, match.
  5. Just win us a Lombardi ... That said, I'm so sick of seeing brady in every Super Bowl that I'd prefer anybody else.
  6. **** The patriots **** The Cowboys And while we're at it, **** the cheatin brady's south.
  7. C'mon Ben, you've got two more wins in ya. Dump the Chiefs tonight and the Titans next week before riding off into the sunset with a loss to the Bills in the AFCCG.
  8. Other than heaping God like praise on McCorkle, they heaped a ton of praise on the Bills ... Today the talking heads didn't seem unbearable.
  9. I never heard them mention anything nor did they show any replays.
  10. I love what Hyde said before the game ... "After the adrenaline wears off, we'll see who really wants to be out here tonight".
  11. In 50+ years of watching football this is the first time I've heard of warm chicken broth on the sidelines...****** genius
  12. Hopefully the zebras will make up for the 3 points they just gave the patriots
  13. I hope McDermott decides to go after the punt tonight and block a couple of them.
  14. At this point there's only two things left to say... 1. GO BILLS 2. **** THE patriots
  15. The Raiders/Bengals game will go to double overtime and the Bills game will be delayed because of that ... Sorry, had to do it.
  16. Rum and shrubbery are getting me through the day ... Oh yeah, made some chex mix and some brownies and have some Gyro's to make up during the Bengals game.
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