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Everything posted by B-Large
Thin in relation to his Kotex panty liners?
this last paragraph makes you sounds like a big kitty....... LOL
I was warned very early on that when joining this board and spending time in the PPP section, mostly you will be treated like ****. Meh, its a message board, and I like discussing Politics.... If being called a Retard, Idiot or Moron hurts your feelings, this is not the place to be.... LOL
One of The Reasons Healthcare Costs Are High
B-Large replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Lesson #1: When you intend to run the train, you do so at your own risk. This is the kind of stuff that makes specialists afraid to practice medicine. I highly doubt the Doctor failed to stress the importance of not straining himself, now did he "Document" that is the real question? More than anything, this was probably awarded based on the technicality of not making this explicit in the clincal notes. Our legal system is messed up. If you have been having chest pain and not had your stress test yet, and you go have sex and die, I would diagnose you as retarded. -
Let's all thank President Obama for lower gas prices
B-Large replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
But that is just it, companies are making plenty of money, even with current tax rates and regulations- I am not advocating more taxes and red tape, but think about it- For what reason do I hire and invest? I have plenty of capital, machinery, people and capacity to handle the business I have now... if I had enen more money, I am not going to hire anyone or buy a new machine to just sit there idle... no matter how much money I have on hand, if there is no incremental money to be made or return through more business, I am hanging onto to that cash or cleaning up my balance sheet. I just can't wrap my head around the notion that supply-side is the issue. Would I want more cash sitting idle, or a line of hungry customers strapped with cash want to buy my widget? I take the line up and day, I can manage the tax liabilies, the demand is keeping my doors open. It can only be a matter of time until the country is top heavy and bobbles from side to side as the base of its citizens are economically anemic. I wish this issue would get more serious attention, America simply cannot thrive with hundred of millions of citzens continually marginalized and losing financial means. Look, we probably will not see it from the same point of view ever, but I do appreciate the discussion, Mag. -
Let's all thank President Obama for lower gas prices
B-Large replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Missed the Point, LA. I didn't say Government was the answer to anything. The wealth in this country has flown upward for decades, incomes have remained flat for middle class, and recently the middle to lower class of this country has main'y prospered on Credit. Borrowing against 401K's, Credit Cards, Home Refi's with Cash-Out Options or Helocs.... subsequently the easy money well is about dry, and Americans have finally got it through their heads that Income and Credit are mutually exclusive terms. Now, you have a generation of yonng Americnans who have School Debt, CC Debt.... that will stick with them longer as income stay stagnant and the economy struggles. We are seeing a maxed out spending class, and this economy is dead in the water without consumption... I think you have me pegged wrong, I am not a liberal. I can simple state what I see in the country right now. I don't care about talking points and being right or wrong, all I can say is the strong foundtion, the base of this country is shifting, buckling and breaking all over the place... Middle Classers don't have much more to give, and we can't prosper until that is fixed. What creates a Sales a Demand? A fiscally healthy group of Consumers. This has been my point about housing, the classic America core asset... In the past is has been about stablity, pride, progress, "making it".... now that very asset for TONS of Americans is the cross they bare (I am honestly shocked how many people are underwater, and Denver was not even that bad of a RE market)..... I don't know what the answers are, but low paying jobs and endless credit expansion and cheap money are not the answer. This is a viscious cycle of compaines not wanting to hire, consumer weary of spending, and until one gives, we will continue to struggle. To me, I think this has been a long time coming and we are being forced to pay the piper. Side thought: Think about the last phases of growth- hyped assets, easy credit, each time the collateral damage worse than before. How do we get real, sustainable growth should be the question- do I think the community organizer/lawyer or Private Equity/ Short Term Profit expert have any expereince..... sadly, don't really know.... Sent them all home early. I stayed late to answer any call until 5PM. Lotsa dead time today to post and converse. -
Let's all thank President Obama for lower gas prices
B-Large replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Sales and Orders create Demand, not other way around though. I can have all the certaintly in the world, and a 0% tax rate and am I still not going to hire another body if I don't have the Sales or Antipcated Sales to do so.... you can give me a big tax credit to hire somebody, but if my current staff can do the job and I can work a Saturday to fill the orders, I will do before I hire another person, train them, offer the bennies, etc. If I can't serve my customers wants and needs is when I hire another person, and I need to know there are enough customers with money to buy my stuff.... So to me, Mag, that means money in the hands of those who desire to aquire (so if you are going to give a all out aggressive, ball buster tax cut to, it should be anybody but the people who have the money to do what they want anyway- I don't need a tax cut to spend money, but I know people who would spend every dollar)... the more I think about your post, yes you need people with Jobs to have the money to spend, but businesses don't hire until the masses spend.... Its kind of like a catch-22.... but back to main premise, housing still drags on the economny, and puts a dent in spenders pockets and they outlook. Am I going to save a few extra bucks of disposable income to pay the mortagage shoudl I love my paycheck, or do I spend on new stuff.... it is an easy question, and that is putting the hurt on consumer acitivity. While I don't like the idea of the USG backing my massive refi/ bankruptcy idea and more than you, it is an easy option to get a very lareg amount og Americans with more money in theie hands to spend... in the mind of Joe Consumer, underwater house is suffocating, refinanced house with manageable payments if progress.... while I prefer the "let it find it's bottom" solution above all, we are 4 years later dragging in the same malaise.... banks are not motivated to book losses, and they are not super eager to refi owners who are a steady stream of interest and make their payments above all else. I am sorry to hear about your siuation, I certainly do not envy your place right now. My siuation is not perfect by any means, I mean I FINALLY refinancing my wife's condo she bought back in 2003 that WAS 40K under water.... but we saved diligently to be able to pay most of the pricipal down and can now refi- and yes, our money has gone to buying more more property at discount and to that problem child, and we do not spend on anything that is not a need (except vacations). What I find more defalting that anything else is I don't see much difference with the vote for Romney versus Obama at this point. I don't see much hope between a vote for Republicans versus Democrats. The only candidate that was really speaking the business was Ron Paul, but there is no way a Libertarian is gonna get close to that House for a long. long time. IMHO, R and D's have a vested interest in keeping Government big, and expanding into everybodies lives more than ever intended. People will argu me up and doen about how huge the differences are, but when you really drill down, the have both been big net exapnders for 50 years.... all of the sudden in the 2012 that will all change? I doubt it. -
Let's all thank President Obama for lower gas prices
B-Large replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I didn't think it was pessimistic, I thought it was realistic. I have to question the premise of your post... let me propose this question to you- if there was very strong, aggregate demand for products and services... much like there was in 2003-2007 when Americans had access to bags of cash (albeit phantom cash, or better know as credit), do you really believe that companies would be worried about tax rates (I am not saying tax rates are not important factors, both on the income and capital investment side, they are), or be more worried about finding hands to pack boxes and fill orders? That is the whole point to this mess we are in, everybody below the 5% of Americans feels like they shoudld be holding onto their money, paying down debt and refinancing their mortgage instead of spending on consumables and other such things like cars and home upgrades. I think for the first time, in a long time, Americans are starting to step back and really think about their fiscal behavior... and realize that overextending is less desirable than saving. Here has been my belief all along. Housing, and its iliquid drag is the single biggest issue on the US economy, at least domestically. Instead of a 800B Stimulus packages and subsequent easing attempts, the government should have back and very large, expansive refinannce backing package for howeowners that really could keep their homes, and provide much needed monthly payment relief. Let the people are are too far gone, provide a streamlined bankruptcy process espcially for handling underwater homes... get people out of their home based prisons, and let the investory get absorbed by qualified buyers or investors. the US Governments housing and monetarty policies over the last few decades created this glut, this would be a gteat opportunity to mend the fence, change those bad polcies, and get people our feeling financially healthy again. But here we are, piecemealing away. Banks and compaines are doing well because of Free Fed money..... but IMHO, again, this will get worse again before it gets better. BTW- I am doing just fine, personally. I have always been a saver/ investor, and these downtimes are garage sales for value assets- plus I work in an injustry that continue to add jobs and will for 20 years.... Healthcare. I do however have great empathy for people in a tough siuation. -
Let's all thank President Obama for lower gas prices
B-Large replied to PastaJoe's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Dig in, it will not get better anytime soon. Europe is still a mess, and that situation could bring everybody else a big step backwards. Housing still drags on the middle class primarily, that ties up spending money and tamps confidence.... and there is no easy money asset bubble on the horizon.... what is what out economy thrives on now, boom and bust... Don't expect compaines to hire anytime soon to make up for lost jobs on 2008. I have maintined since the end of GWB tenure when the recession started that it will take more than a decade to recover our losses, and we may never get the boom jobs back. Government Stimulus is great for short term slumps.... Tax cuts are great for Small Business, but seriously, are small business really going to hire people they don't need because demand is weak, just because of a tax break? Heck, 30 year Mortgage Rates were at 2.97 yesterday...... 2. freaking 97..... -
Cannibals in Miami, Dismemberment in Canada
B-Large replied to DaveinElma's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What are they putting in the water up there? -
The bill to end this type of abortion failed today. I guess the logic being, if someone is going to do it anyway as it is protected by law in he US, they might as well have safe procedure? I am pro-choice, but what is wrong with a rubber, birth control pills.... or gulp.... giving a child up to adoption? I have friends that would kill for a health adopatedable kid.... Sad.
Cannibals in Miami, Dismemberment in Canada
B-Large replied to DaveinElma's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
What the !@#$ is wrong with people? -
8-Ball, Chocolate Milk and products containing Phenalynanine are OK? 16 oz. of Soda is still a huge serving, as is 16 oz of Orange Juice.... if you were goign to try and do it, ban anything above 4oz.... but that would piss of the green advocates..... There was a day when a brother could smoke, eat and drink himself into heart disease and Diabetus with no bother.... what have we become?
Does Obama deserve political credit for getting Bin Laden?
B-Large replied to Juror#8's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The New Pakistani Relations Strategy: Special Ops and Drones enough !@#$ing around, and lets bank that foreign aide money as well -
Does Obama deserve political credit for getting Bin Laden?
B-Large replied to Juror#8's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
As a Civilian holding the elected office, never having had miltary training, you are giving the order for deliberate taking of another human beings life... now that particular human being is dirt, but that is beside the point.... going in the Pak and making that call was solid.... I have no issue with the campaign citing this. National Security, one of the few enumerated powers of the Federal Government, is an issue the Presdient should be strong on, be able to be decicive about.... full kudos. I have to wonder once BHO got into the national security breifings, he rethought just for a minute all the gruff Bush took for Gitmo and other defense issues... -
People don't kill people
B-Large replied to \GoBillsInDallas/'s topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I was just thiking about this issue yesterday when I was researching a new 9MM to purchase. I was reading some comments from a Reviewer on the one website who described his frustration of not being able to re-load fast enough because he had a revolver... his desire was capacity.... I start to think you the Jared Loughner's of the world, and how do you keep the ability to unload alot of ammunition quickly, down. Do civilians needs a 32 round clip on a Tec9 for any reason? While I don't disagree the conversation about control of assault tyoe weapons should be ongoing, I am beginning to wonder if stricter, more punitive measures of criminal punishment would provide better measure.... -
Well, well... Look who just got appointed as Grammer Czar of the Board.... LOL..... did Biden call you at home? Have to be honest, didn't hear the Polish Death Camps story... I just saw the Amercia on the new this AM in passing. Is Obama taking people from the Kill List to Poland? *** very excited about the Bills- that Defenseive front is gonna GET AFTER IT this year, I really hope this is the year we humble the Patriots and Jets.... and living in Denver, it wil be interesting to see Manning, even thought Tebow was my homeboy.... love that guy....
Are the part of the Conservative Borg? Like a Tea Party Collective?
In America, aren't we tolenrant of everyone's beliefs and ideas, even though we find them distateful?
It was kind of a joke...... I am actually, this year, convinced they will be a solid squad that plays conistent ball all season- I am always excited for the seasons, but those cats have been the heartbreak kids for at least a few fast-start seasons....
That is a really good idea, never heard of that. I love campaign season, it keeps me entertained till the Bills come out and play mediocre football...
Post of the day right here... people, sometimes, very dumb.... LOL
An bull run at the Latino vote? It rhymes with Garcia.... just sayin..... He better wear TWO flag pins from now on.... LOL
I was not saying he was wrong, just wanted to discuss. why do people come to message boards, and a politics section, dump a post like that then not want to discuss?