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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. They killed the Paige Program.... Most Congress don't ever read the Bills, they don't need computers.... Saving all over
  2. Why is that ignorant? Do you aspire sit in the welfare office, or work hard and put together a decent life? I have Empathy for the poor, most of them I assume would like to not be dependent.... Some probably love it, but that is probably the minority....
  3. I guess just be glad you don't have to live like that- God Bless America and the fact that ambition isolates you from the barrell bottom
  4. Maybe the best response ever
  5. Some would argue private companies could pick up the programs the government currently provides... Do you want a social safety net like SS or private accounts that are in the stock market? hmmm... I like the idea of people being in control of their money, but what happens when honest, hard working but very stupid people lose their retirement funds that used to be SS in the market? their 65, perhaps there is a recession and jobs are tight, maybe they are sick.... yikes, too many of those, do we have the scruples in this country to just look the other way? I would prefer universal healthcare, and have serious ideas and debates on all the other programs incuding SS to see if they are needed... is theory people could pay for umemployment insurance, disability, life... if they wanted to.... healthcare is the only market IMHO that cannto be served by free enterprise... the people that need your products can't get it no matter how much they pay, that is market failure
  6. Have you considred the increases and future outlays for Heathcare in a country that will not let anyone die, and will spend vigoursly on people who probably should, and pay at least double of not more worse outcomes that comparative nations? Healthcare in the US dwarfs any Wars and associated costs HC dwarfs SS and any other public support HD will make military spending look miniscule Its the biggest single threat to the fiscal health of the US, and IMHO, not even close
  7. Poor People Bad, I guess? Maybe you should focus on the article a litle closer. The office was a dump and government employees were encouraging people to NOT sign up.
  8. at a 11-16% floating approval rate, maybe it is best they can't get anything done. Congress, as intended by design is supposed to be slow moving.... I think it falls in line with small government, a retraint on power and reach, and time to reevlaute before bills are sent to the President.
  9. Cart before the horse. We need to secure the border, and deport illegals.... If you want to fund infracture, why not focus on the border?
  10. Politcally it was a great move, next there will be free copies of Cosmo suring up the female vote... LOL As long as they can get in office and hold power, that is all they care about...
  11. Good policy, will bring and solidly a huge and growing voting block to the polls.... Now, let's figure out a way to sure up the border and let people come to this country legally..... But we wont
  12. Its amazing the interventions that can be made for things like elevated Lipids, right?
  13. 6'4", 155.... I am 70 lbs heavier and still wear a 36" pant. How do you stay that weight??? 35 this year. yeah, 260 is rough, when I feel like 225 is a little on the thicker side... I can't shake a pound at this point, and I barely eat and am fairly active... I have an elevated TSH, so there is a decent possibility I am/will be hypothyroid soon- I think that is one barrier to losing weight.... my hope is on snythroid I can finally get that 15-20 off that I would like to. I don't blame anyone not wanting to be on meds, but it is much better than heart attack, stroke, kidney issues, etc... you did the right thing by dealing with it... it only get worse the more it is ignored
  14. Its weird, i had normal BP until college, them boom at a hockey physcial it was elevated... when I was 6'2" 185 it was the same as 6'2", 225. Then I had my physcial last month and the MD talked about BP meds... I did like that so much.... Jesus, at 6'3", how did you stand up in a stiff wind? LOL. I was at 185 in college and felt like a wafer..... not so much now
  15. I don't know about Latino's, but Black men have higher risk factors for Blood Pressure and Prostate Issues.
  16. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/13/diabetes-latinos-growing-rates-_n_1590697.html#s360921&title=505_million Well, a long-term chronic disease that is on the rise in the fastest growing segment of the US population, that is certainly good news. Healthcare is the single biggest threat to the US, and we are no where even close to dealing with the Monster, Trillion many times over issue....
  17. I guess I'm ambivalent.... For decades the Pharma lobby has insured we pay high prices here domestically, while other customers in world pay much less... Part D was a gift to the Drug makers.... Why would that change now with Barry and his cronies? I have always been and continue to be a supporter of the ACA.... But when our Federal government, the single largest purchaser of meds can't negotiate, you know we're gonna be bent over the barrel... At this point I'll take legally enforceable right to buy some coverage over exclusion from existing condition.... But people are against price controls and the government being in power to negotiate drug prices, or intervene in the Heath system.... Also many drugs have patent protection so a competitor can't copy and make generics..... The drug maker has all the control.... Which is good since they developed the product, bad because for 10 years they charge what they want....
  18. You took my entry to where we are today, divisive politcal rhetoric nonsense. What I suggesting is the Middle Classers need to take a active role in their lives, and decide how they can survive and thrive in the current climate. Middle Classers still hold the power in this country, which I find Ironic that the discussion around them is one of powerlessness. Middle Classer, IMHO, contribute to their own problems... for example, Walmart- people still flock in droves week after week to the very place that represents their downfall. WalMart heirs skim the Cream, enrich themselves, pay workers like crap, sell basically imported trash, and kill small business in commuinities... but people CRAVE CHEAP... and do not care as long as it is cheap... well, I hope you like your .99 cent shovel that breaks in 10 pushes, cause it is costing your neighbor a job.... I stick to my stance- buy American and local, if at all humanly possible. Reject imports if you can, buy from a small business who is American and hired Americans... spend your dollars (your power) on things and places that employee you and your neighbors. Vote for small Government, if at all possible vote for someone other than entreched ideologies of the R and D's... they're in the same game, the goals is power and money.... keep you money, don't empower the Cronies and lace thier buddies with green pockets. That is what I am saying. Don't get distratced but the Political nonsense, sharpen your fiscal pencil and start carving out your future...
  19. Its been slowly happening for 30 years, incomes have not kept pace with assets such as housing, that is why most people now need Government assitance mortgages to float them the 3% downpayment to qualify for a Government backed home loan... So the bigger question is, what does this all mean? I think this will mean Middle Classers will either go in one of two directions- - they will educate themselves on how money works, and realize that incomes that are robust and jobs that plentiful are not coming back... they will begin to look for ways to cut things that are not essential in their lives, expensive cable, two cars (if the bus is an option), new car leases/ financing payments, 4-5 bedroom houses (instead of small homes in decent hoods)..... It really is not that hard to spin of plenty of cash even if you do not make a lot of money. Its true, I did it for years and did not made a ton of income. Today is a different story, dual incomes with the same FISCALLY SOUNDS PRICIPLES and we are popping off a bunch of money to pay off our house, rentals, etc.... - Do what they have always done... buy too much house because they can "afford" the monthly payment.... buy a new car because they can "afford" the monthly payment... have 1,500 channels on TV "just cause".... eat our alot because they are too lazy to cook at home and make grcoery lists.... eat out at work because they are too lazy to brown bag.... they will continue to hold dear the same on fallacies baout money that they have, and continue to lose ground on the future- and they will pass the stupid onto their kids.... The wealthly in the country have already won in America, nearly 25% of the US economy is financial services.... how much does the Average scrock really know about the Stock Markets, Leveraged Buyouts, ETFs.... and thank your representative Government for being to lever to help create this environment... Big Government does not just help the people holding the hand out, it also serves the powerful to shape and mold the envronment they want... So middle classers, put your nose to the stone and think differently. Carve out your Kingdom. While the United States is becoming more about the Haves and Have Nots and that is getting worse, this in the one place where you can still live a GREAT life if you make the decision to do so- if you are flat broke in America, you are doign something wrong...
  20. Cutting of the nose to spite the Face?
  21. Why is that unthinkable? I had kids on hockey teams growing up from South Buffalo who were openly racist, and so were their parents. To hear some of those people are still racist is not a suprise at all. To suggest Skin Color along brings down property values is baseless. To say that people of poor socio economic means who do not value their property nor anothers', then you have a valid point. But poor white people can screw up a house just as bad as the black ones.... just look at my neighbors house.... it looked back when it was in foreclosure, he made it look worse outside....
  22. We were watching the Sunday roundtable this Sunday AM, and my wife asked what they big deal was in Wisconsin. I told her it was about the less of bargaining rights of public service employee Unions, and there was a recall of the man who made the changes.... Then she said... "Why would government workers need a Union? Honestly, I couldn't think of a reason why. Mining, I get it. Steel workers, sure. Other dangerous prfessions where there is safety in numbers, I think the ability to lobby for safety and compensation, why not. Can anybody justify why a non-hazardous job environment would need a Union?
  23. First, you can be so open minded and tolerant, that ironically you become intolerant of personal freedoms that include being close minded and dooshy. Second, I saw Greenword live at a charity event. I really don't care for that song in the least. However I get choked up when I hear the Banner.... I have no idea why a patriotic song in one of the UNITED STATES would offend someone?
  24. Nothing wrong with being a Tard.... there are alot of Tards living great lives these days....
  25. I had no idea people get so fired up they PM other posters vile-ass comments and insults. Really? Do people really take this place, or internet politics message boards that seriously? I mean have been called retard on this board many a times, never got butt-hurt about it. Maybe what I posted was truly retarded, I don't know.... LOL
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