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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. thanks, B- not near the WildFires, but you can smell them everywhere. Now my freakin grass is another story, rain please!!!
  2. this all going to come down to swing states, and how those States are doing as far a recovery and jobs.... if it is good news, Obama wins. If they slump, he is very vulnerable. Captain Obvious, huh?
  3. Personally, no. For a family with tight income, yes. Have to honest, I don't think it will come to the underlined above.... I can see a scenario where many people opt out, and then there will be justification in some legislators minds that we need "universal coverage" for these people... your know its coming, I have maintained that has always been the stretch goal of progressives....
  4. I think Obama's fate lies on Jobs Numbers and the Economy- if Swing States like Ohio continue to improve, he has a very good chance in November. I wouldn't say Obama has a lock on anything though... especially facing fears of a 2x dip
  5. My guess, for those who are uninsured and pay the tax, when they do get sick perhaps they will end up on the Medicaid rolls?
  6. So we would be subject to 1390/ year in addtional tax penalty if we had no insurance. That is not horrific, but not insignificant either
  7. The GOP is better served to continue to concentrate like a laser on the economy. Jobs, Jobs, Jobs and how they will create them is still their best hope for November.
  8. there have already been pieces that have been taken out as unfeasibale like the CLASS portion helping support LTC insurance. Like I said in reponse to B-Man, its bittersweet for me. I can't imagine you need nor can keep track of 2400 pages of legislation. to your point- there is little evidence of it... I can only hope there will eventually be some bipartisan efforts to scale down this law, cut out the BS, and make it purposeful
  9. Its bittersweet for me, B- while I value the progress of being able to purchase insurance as an indivdual, and not be locked out of the market because my wife has pre-existing condition..... This only means one thing.... a more powerful, furter reaching and self righteous representative Government.... that in and of itself has it own dangers, as we all know. I have been supportive of the ACA from the beginnning, I have alway been clear about that. However, I will not pretend that 2400 worth of Pelosi schlopp is required legislation. This will, this issue needs ALOT of work, not only from Democrats who throw is all at the wall, but from the Conservatives who keep it is check.
  10. Wow, granted the ability to tax- WOW...... Now its time to start streamlining that 2400 pages behemouth to make it Work
  11. I don't eat cheerios Talking Democrats and Independents here
  12. He doubles down, carries the people who support the ACA AND adds on the people who wanted more aggressive reform should that be medicare for all or Public Option. If posed correctly, this could actually be a break for him... he will force the GOP to be specific about their plans, and they will not be able to keep saying "commonsense solutions"- they will have to dive into policy and tell how selling insurance across State lines or Tort Reform achieves the goal of the current cost shifting, cost explosion system. I tend to think Romney is in an wakward position having signed the Mass Health Bill, distancing himslef from that with the TP breathing down his back... poor Mitt, he is going to be treading the polictical highwire. I'll be interested to see the specifics and what the health care compaines and their lobby has to say about this.
  13. Obama can't even stop the fires my State, he's not getting my vote....
  14. I guess somebody has to be reponsible...???? Poor form, but not suprised...
  15. Right- but we don't do that here, can you imagine the media coverage?
  16. I am still unclear, for all the back and forth, how the new legislation will be much different.... without every American covered, we will still see significant cost shifting... regardless of how competitive a price point the insurance is, there are still goign to be tons of people who will choose not buy, get sick, and show up crying foul and getting free care. I have a friend who is still in the hospital with a Staph infection, not a lick of insurance and no job... moron got this getting another Tatoo... retard.......He will not be repsosnsible for a cent of that bill and he knows it... how is this problem countered?
  17. I will watch it when I get home. Work is like Big Brother with content.
  18. Good for Obama- it gives him an avenue to go after Romney and Boehner, with the question "What is your plan, not that millions of Americans are back to square one?" It gives him soemting to talk about and distract from an economy that is on the very slow uptick cycle. The options: 1. Market Based Reforms- they will conclude we have been there, and it failed to cover anybody other than the healthy. 2. Opening for "Universal Care, Public Option, Medicare for All" Unless the GOP has some great plan in the fray, which I assume will be vague and generalized solutions, will fall by the wayside should Romney win. I htink it will be very interesting to see how much Americans care about this long time issue as it continues to chew up GDP and IMHO dampen innovation and the enterprising spirit. The GOP has really set the stange for "What we Had" and "Universal Care" and nothing in between. If Universal Care becomes popular becuase people are sick of being !@#$ed with, it could backfire big for conservatives.
  19. The "Dangers" of Atheism? Don't we live in a Land of Liberty where people can believe whatever they want? I swear, everything becomes an issue when it is not....
  20. The way to end that...... Flat tax. Simplfy the tax code so the politicians can't continue to manipulate and control people. Loopholes are gifts to people who know how to use them... And that isn't the family of 4 with a few thousand in the bank
  21. Meh, if people want to donate, that's their business. How about sending those donations to charity instead? Between the two "choices" we have in this day and age, they will have raised a few billion... that is plenty for a public service campaign.... neither of these parties are getting a dime of my money, if anyting I will donate Ron Paul since he at least is consistent and believes in something.
  22. I used to work long hours, very motivated to advance, asked for more to do....... met my wife. Work miminal hours to get the job done, would like to work part-time, try to stay out of line of fire...... what a difference a happy marriage makes, and how is changes your priorities....
  23. Wow, a whole article on something I don't care about.
  24. Did the Doctor not make you aware of the side effects and risks? I mean Chomotherapy and Radiation to put Cancer in remission has issues with short and long-term risks to survivors health, but would do feel that benefit outweighs the risk?
  25. I honestly don't think it makes a difference, implemented or not. The total spending will not change, it's who is paying and responsible will. If the legislation forces the free loaders to pay, again, all for it. Cost will go up indefinitely without price controls, making tough decision about extending lives, excluding people from access, or no innovation and research..... None of those items will get much support.... If people continue to live longer, we can treat more and keep people alive that perhaps we should not be, the cost will continue to grow no matter how much we think we can reduce them....
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