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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. Do you see what you Started, Ko? Now people are talking Canada, one step down from France....
  2. It's not an ideology thing, it's a current warfare thing... dropping bombs on brown people for over a decade now....
  3. I mean yeah it's alot..... But there SO many little brown targets, just can't help ourselves....
  4. Really Solid Post-
  5. Canadians even give racism a bad name... and their money is gay
  6. I disagree, I thinks it's the darn Coloreds.... Or of you are Canadian, Coloureds....... we're all happy about this too....
  7. Greenspan and this absurd idea that everybody should own a home, perhaps few is what caused the economic downturn- it is still happening today, there is word of a new wave of foreclosures.... the housing crisis is not settled and cleared yet, not by far... As for the recovery, why would it be robust, you have to ask yourself? Just cause? A robust economy usually happens because products produced here become more price competitive, individuals get some sort of access to credit/ cash, or Government outlays ALOT of money to stimulate the economy. IMHO, I think we will continue to see slow recovery, with timid jobs added for the very fact that boomers to youngsters like are not out spending money like crazy, they are either paying off debt, trying to get out of a bad mortgage or scrammbling to backfill all that retirement savings they lost in the crash. Also, if companies are doing just fine and making money with cleaner balance sheet and a smaller workforce, and there are no huge increases in demand and sales... why hire??? We may never see the jobs come back, people may need to get down with that very fact. Anecdotally, my circle of friends have adopted a very aggressive thing called Austerity. I have personally always been a barebones budget guy, but my friends who lived it up are cutting back cell phone plans, Cable/Dish, downgrading cars, cutting out trips, downsizing their home or using their extra spending money to pay down/ off their house, eating at home, and wearing their clothes longer than every before. I think we are seeing a fundamentally different America in aggregate that we have seen the last 30 years. The boomers are pretty much done, they are locked into the paths they have set. the 30 somethings like me, we are starting to wake up to the fallacy of the American dream being "buying" stuff and "Upgrading".... we save and pay off, and don't feel the need to risk our own personal financial health for the overal economy... that is serious business... we have realized the jobs don't pay as well, the incomes are stagnant, the social safety nets may be gone, so we are investing in ourselves... We are seeing a New America, get ready
  8. Obama's Jobs council is filled with members whose companies have takens facilities elsewhere.... the people in charge of developing strategies to create jobs here are outsourcers at their best..... lol If Americans demanded American made products and turned their nose up at Chinese made garbage, the jobs would come back.... Americans love CHEAP- we have done it to ourselves for the most part.... its all comes down to where the Dollar is spent- it always hass been, it always will be. Ox, where have you been? the bar must be booming....
  9. Yeah, there is just something about him. I think he is a smart guy, and I don't think life would end as we know it today if he were the Preseident. Heck, other than Iraq, Bush didn't bother me that much- I didn't always agree with his Politics, but he wasn't evil as many people suggested. I also like Huntsman, but conservatives would argue "of course you do", as the belief is he is not a strong conservative. The up an comer- John Thune, he is gonna be a fresh face on the scene for the GOP that will be very popular...
  10. When you step back it is funny. The parties are both entrenched, they both are full of lots of ****, and there is no other choice. That seems UnAmerican- no choice other than the establishments... sad
  11. There is just something about Mitt that doesn't feel right.... I still don't think he is the best candidate the GOP could have put forward, but perhaps they have bigger sights on 2016?
  12. sadly, sober as can be- when I reread that, I thought to myself "what the !@#$ is wrong with me" either way, Koko loves France.
  13. even though I hate Unicorns and Freedom..... Wouldn't uou would be familiar with this growing in France, and being a French Citizen....???? France is Gay
  14. Its funny you mentioned that, I had that same thought this afternoon... no- i don't really support any increases in taxes until the government proves it can reform programs and spend within what is "needs", not "wants" my only aside to that is Healthcare Reform- but that is for selfish reasons and justfiend ones at that...
  15. So we are looking at a 55% tax rate on inheritance/estate on anyting more than 1 Million if nothing is done? I think the current plan exempts up to 5 Million..... Holy ****, where does the Government get the notion that taking a family members hard earned money that has already been taxed, taxing it again and screwing the heirs is "Fair"??? Why is there any tax on inheritances at all?? Here is a question, I don't know answer. If my family owned a farm worth 10 Millions dollars and my parents died in car crash, to take position of that farm, would I have to oay the 55% on the value of the land? !
  16. Ask Colorado Springs how they feel about skimping on Firefighters.....
  17. Then medicine is still and will continue to be a pretty good gig, right? As specialist, you can still earn 300k+ in almost any area, I am sure student will still be pretty intrigued by making 25K a month, and having bascially 100% job security....
  18. Alot of Doctors, especially Internal Medicine have considered leaving WAY before the ACA was passed and held up in court. Why- because it is not like it used to be. Money is tigher, reimbursements are lower. And frankly, seeing 15 sick people in the AM, and another 15 in the PM and being a referral and paperwork machine sucks. Most of the physcians who come here to work, start out 3-4 days in clinic seeing pateints, then after a few years are down to 1 day, or even 1 half day and sill their time with research projects and other activities that involve not seeing patients. Healthcare is no different that any other industry, wages have stagnated or fallen over the the last 30 years, and MD's are doing more, working more with less. I mean, all the best should they quit. I am sure there will be numerous jobs paying 150-200K out there, and they can just take their pick...lol....
  19. Great, just what the board needed, another retard.... are you here to offer anything else than what you have laid out already? If not, no need to continue
  20. The Poor are always being !@#$ed over by the Rich, always have, always will.....
  21. that is the point, releasing his taxes will not indicate any illegal activity. However, if he is doing something illegal by hiding money in places that are not permitted, I believe the American voter should know that and then make a decision if they supoprt that kind of behavior.....
  22. Most people of Romney worth skip paying alot of taxes legally, the tax code is written to advantage of the very wealthy people who do not have earned income as their biggest money source. That being said, 50% of American pay no net tax, so you have that as well...lol My contention is if Mitt Romney is hiding his money in exotic accounts that live tax free. The question is can you supoprt a guy who bets against America, whether it be against the dollar or draning support for program that benefit us all?
  23. The Irony is it probably makes it harder for people with legit disabilities....
  24. thank you- it does seem stupid to build in a place that floods, or good chance it will flood... But then again, New Orleans, so.... No- people should only build there who can pay the premiums for insurance OR pay cash for catastrophic repairs and rebuilds.
  25. I think that was his point, that handouts to millionaires are not just a GOP pet project... Democrats, the fighters for the people propose and pass this **** too.
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