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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. sigh, the "spoon fed" and "Sheeple" response... voters don't want a cheat. Mitt, if you have nothing to hide just release them and move the discussion back to jobs and economy... heck, I would release 10 years of returns in a second, I have nothing, absolutely nothing to hide...
  2. It is no different for a super rich liberal running for president, and there is suspicion about financial doings. The people, the media have the right to make these inquiries, and should do so. This is not unlike Obama's birth certificate, he is an elected official no longer in the private realm, he needs to be as forthcoming as possible. Even some Conservatives are agreeing this is not a unresaonable request. I think George Will said it best, "does he want a slow bleed until November, or just get it out there and deal with damage if their is something being hidden..."
  3. While I agree Park more often than not is a Pork Sword, again, if he has nothing to hide that is illegal, then who cares and release them. I am sure he has a complicated return that has all kind of loophole usage... that doesn't make it illegal. In the era of creative and abusing financialization in this country, lots of people are afraid of that type of dishonesty... remember, people lost alot of money, their lives savings due to financial downturn. Romney is hopful of becoming President , he is an elected official of the people of the United States... the people, regalrdless of their ideology do not want a tax cheat representing them.... Then he will continue to campaign in a cloud of suspicion... whether that is media driven or not is irrelevant. If you run for POTUS, I think you need to be ready for anything. If you have not done anything illegal, release them now and move the discussion back to the economy again...
  4. To me, its important for Romney to release his records for the very fact that as president, he will be leading efforts to shape tax policy. Romney is innocent until proven guilty, but I think the public is interested to see if he holds himself to same ethical and legal standards as the people he hopes to represent. I think it is a reasoanble request.
  5. I am leaving my job, as well as my wife in 2014 if the ACA stays in place... my wife cannot get insurance and we stay in these awful jobs because of employer based insurance. We're reponsible people, and once we can buy private coverage were done. that being said, the good: 1. coverage for pre-exisitng conditions- what I find particularly troubling about this issue was that for many people the condition was of not fault of their own... does that mean they should always be at risk for financial ruin even if they want to cover themselves. 2. framework for privatizing Medicare- If the ACA is successful, and the States embrace this and it becomes good law, this is a natural step to making everyone ever the elederly part of the act.... this law is basically premium support for private insurance. the ACA keep the existing system in place, and makes sure everybody who wishes to partipate can do so. I would have prefered more focus on deductible health plans, anywhere from 1k- 10,000K- I mean people like to cite auto insurance as justification for the mandate, but what auto insurance policy pays for your wiper blades and new tires? I only vote Democrat because of Healthcare. Otherwise I would vote for fiscal conservatism and smaller federal government. I see the hypocrisy in that statement, however Heathcare is that important that I am willing to make the exception. even that is a stretch- people should have to pay for routine expenses like an annual exam and annual labs. the cost is minimal, and you can fund HSA/Felx plans to pay fo it tax-free... Like I stated in another post, auto insurance doesn't pay for my tires, brakes, or preventative 5K oil change.... People need to start budgeting for their health just like anyting else... I still think it is ABSURD that 20% of every healthcare dollar in essence is not spent on care. why does it cost 20% to administer a healthplan? Insurers don't provide anything in care deliver, just middle man payment. If we spend a Trillion dollars in the HC segment, 200B goes to exactly what? We also need to have advanced planning for Seniors... I can't even count how many times I hear very old people on our geraitric floor saying "I am just ready to go"... not forcing them into more treatments and misery is not a "death panel", it is respecting that individuals right to make decision abut their life and their care. Subsequently, this would save the system a fortune treating people who do not want it.
  6. It was a joke, never seen Zoolander I assume....
  7. you've just won a scholarship to the "Derrick Zoolander Center for People Who Can't Spell Good" Congrats
  8. with the tax on the mileage, repairs on vehicle, gas, and probably reg/license renewal fees, it might make better sense to just stay home. Do you have a qualifying disabilities that might help offset not working?
  9. this thread it secretly about the underlying issues in the American Public School system. Park demonstrated this by failing to write good.....
  10. Obama and his adminstration has had no budget approved and in place for 3 years. I like Obama, but that is a disgrace. People will support paying more taxes when they are sure that money goes to paying down the sins of the past, not expansion or new spending endeavors. You do realize, by law, the Federal Government is required to put a budget in place, right? Fiscally sane people have been screaming about the runaway deficits- whether it is political BS or serious concern, the Fed spends to much money...
  11. I think that is what I find most frustrating, why are we waiting till November? We have essentially 90+ days, 3 months to get some things done.. It's always about the next election... I mean take a stand, start solving some of the problems this country is facing... It's makes me angry
  12. Nobody is going to support more taxes, increased fees or other measures until the Fed can demonstrate they can cut waste, reform messed up programs, and do basic fiscal planning... I mean the Fed can't even get a !@#$ing budget in place, why should they get more money?
  13. The economcy still lingers for a few reasons, IMHO, what the question is what does a President and Government do about it: 1. Middle Class Americans as an aggregate lost 40% of their wealth in 2007-2008. Americans feel poorer and most desperate, and for the ones heading to retirement in the next 10-15 years, they are paying off debt, their house, and socking money away instead of spending- that is a big issue. What can Government do about it? Lower Taxes, sure that helps, but that doesn't flip spending behavior for people who really got hit. 2. Housing Still Drags- alot of people I know are still and will be underwater for another 10 years if not more. What can Government do? HARP? HAMP? Mortgages dipped to 3.85 earlier this year, but when I owe more than it is worth, forget about it. 3. Stimulus in Relation to Debt- Stimulus, in the form of tax cuts, credits, or simple money for projects was too small to get a 16T economy going again. If the US had zero LTD, then perhaps a 4-5 Trillion dollar stimulus that you intend to pay back in good times makes alot of sense, and is substanial to get the economcy going. But a multi-trillion daollar stimulus when you already have 16 trillion in debt and run 1t+ deficts every year.. no way! Back from the Brink? Not sure what the means, some of the capital market actions taken probably helps keep the economy at least going. At this point the President should be talking about Medicare, SS and Defense and how to reform these outlays and programs to begin bring down the long-term debt, and create budgets that don't run red ink. THIS would give people confidence that Government, both the R's and D's are not imcompetent.
  14. Yeah, I would......
  15. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/07/17/erin-burnett-romney-tax-returns-stupid_n_1679027.html While I think Romney's tax returns could yield some fascinating trickery and financial magic, that does not mean it is illegal, perhaps just in the court of public opinion "distateful". What SHOCKED me was to learn the Tax Code is 72,000+ pages long..... Maybe Herman wasn't do bat **** crazy with 9-9-9.... are people are suspicious of Romney and his loophole usage also in favor or flat tax? or fair tax? 72,000+ pages!!!!!
  16. http://thehill.com/blogs/on-the-money/budget/238081-obama-misses-new-budget-deadline It kills me to vote for someone who dismisses the very basics of financial management- I just wish the GOP were talking change and improve the healthcare bill rather that repeal, I am not sure I would vote Democrat again- I would necessarily vote Republican again, maybe third party, but not Democrat....
  17. Obama wins if his campaign is able sustain the image that Romney is not trustworthy and not likeable. They are going "all in" on the tax records, and the more Mitt refuses full disclosure the more distrust in what he has done in the past. Romney is not that dynamic enough and has shown enough inconsistency in his position that the character assault will work. The more I talk to my young bretheren, the more people are disinterested in voting for the two established political parties. I hope that sentiment continues.
  18. send a drone... and buy that I don't mean a Jersey Shore fan....
  19. Its an odd, unclear statement to make heading into election time.... what exactly does it mean? What does someone who can hire and help the economy (which would help Obama)think about such a statement? If I were Obama, I wouldn't leave alot of vague statements out there to let people ponder over... If is wasn't for Healthcare, I probably wouldn't vote Democrat anymore... I would vote for any Libertarian at all possible...
  20. I don't think anyone argue that the basic governmental services we have established here have not aided in the development of successful private enterprise. No business owner would argue funding education, police, and other services did not play a role in their success, or at least in the opportunity to be successful. The contention is how government does it. Road projects that cost twice as much as estimated, schools that pay more per student that private schools yet deliver lesser results.... it is the scope of Government and their over-reach and well documented inefficies and beauracracies that business owners detest. No Business would not be successful in a land of the uneducated, without roads, in lawlessness... but on the flip side, no business anywhere will be able to survival with the US Federal and some State Governments being insolvent and bankrupt.
  21. In my mind. If I could share those images, I could face 10-15 years of hard time and you could be indicted for possessing "ungreased, back-door, hammertime love-making session" content.
  22. Fair enough, I do find it entertaining as well. The Sharpton show is horrendous, its just bad broadcasting in general. I did Meagyn Kelly- I think she is really pretty hot... Heck, I would bang Shep right on Studio B too... LOL
  23. If you want schills for the prospective ideology, tune in and watch The Five on Fox or Al Sharpton's show in MSNBC. It actually entertaining to watch Cable news... I never get to see it, but the gym I started going to has Fox on 1 channel, right nex to it MSNBC... my hour on the theadmill flies by now. Best News source: Wall Street Journal- it doesn;t matter who owns it, it is still the best.
  24. I wonder how he would feel about Nationalized Movie Studios? Or limits on how much a movie can make? Filmakers and Movie Actors are some of the richest people in the US... if they don't like the system, quit.
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