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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. I think Don wants to turn and scream at the Red Rocket....
  2. He's back to stop and frisk....
  3. Her budget... Lol.... Wants the point if you spend whatever you want
  4. Not one has remarked we need to increase opportunity for people of color... Gun control and Stop and Frisk... These two are rubes ive never heard trump say so little with so many words...
  5. I thought she'd be more fluid, she is really rigid.
  6. This is actually boring. Man Ted Cruz versus Hillary would have been really worth watching.
  7. I'm sad that this is what the GOP put up. I really wish Gary Johnson was included, it would be an interesting contrast to these two.
  8. He's literally all over the place.....
  9. God this is hard to watch
  10. He'll probably go to jail and be registered as a sex offender for the rest of his life. Smart Move.
  11. What baffles me of how Rex Ryan, alleged defensive stalwart has taken a very good defense and consistently gone backwards... How Ryan Fitzpatrick had 3 100 yards receivers in one game.. Why Stephon Gilmore tackles like Deion Sanders... Defense wins rings, I truly believe that. How we suck on Defense astonishes me.
  12. Point is VA is not a exclusive example of triage and scheduling procedure. Most people believe when you go in and something needs surgery, that Cigna and your private hospital immediately jump to action to save your life... But the reality is the VA and a private hospital probably have similar procedures. Many of our doctors practice at the university and VA. I'm not trying to say Nankers story is BS, but that anecdote happens both government run, single payor and private systems.
  13. This happens today. Non critical AAA will get surgically repaired on and OR schedule when there is time, and that is not always next day. Just like bypass surgery isn't same day, or even same month. Contaxt is important here.
  14. It will be interesting to see how Amendment 69 (69, lol) does in Colorado in November. My guess is it doesn't pass, but I'd like to see it pass and see what single payor really looks like in a State in the USA. Weed hasn't seemed to ruin the State, maybe we can crack the full coverage, cost lowering goal the Nation seeks. http://www.forbes.com/sites/travisbrown/2016/08/15/secretary-clinton-oppose-amendment-69-the-leave-work-in-colorado-plan/#564818511e05 ****, Hillary is against it, wants to improve the nearly defunct ACA... nothing hillary likes better that Federal power..
  15. Come on now B, this is "Her Turn", get with the program now... The DNC found their way to this simple conclusion, why can't the rest of us? For the Democrats who hates family lineage politics with the Bush's, this is almost worse.... To be honest, I'm disappointed in this race. I was expected to at least be entertained, but this is becoming nearly unwatchable. With so much at stake, most notably a Supreme Court for a generation, I wanted tight polls, contested voting blocks, strong debates and contrast on issues.... We've been robbed as voters, the carpet pulled out from under our ability to have a real choice. It feels like our country is slipping away into progressivism under a sad whimper. Real change was promised in 2008, but it looks more like Real Change will come in 2017 under a Clinton administration.... Yikes. I figured his campaign team would reel him in, making him aware that is he just stuck to the talking points he'd win against such a crumby rival. He would literally be better served by say "no comment" to most questions. Trump is off the rails.
  16. http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-election-forecast/ not a pretty picture for team Trump.
  17. I think you're seeing a lot of center Democrats and center Republicans becoming more interested in the Libertarian Party, and if that platform provides a better place for them to call home.
  18. It's true, but I don't see too many not popping out 2-5 kids these days.... We're kind of a stupid race of being sometimes...
  19. What kind of government tax credit will I get for one of these Teslas, and will I be eligible for the Cash for Clunkers program? I hope he's wildly successful, why would one wish otherwise?
  20. Being a career politician certainly gives Clinton the advantage in the debates.... The foreign policy stuff would, in my mind, be the hardest portion to get up to speed on..... Job performance good or bad depending on your partisan politics aside, her experience as SOS will help her look knowledgable and competent to the occasionally engaged voter... I see Trump having a hard time in the debates, especially in this area.
  21. Why would that sunrise you in the Durham area? That's like rolling through Boulder, or further more Denver these days... Hit the western slope you won't see a Clinton sign anywhere until you hit Salt Lake City.
  22. You son of a B word.... That's my brother, or sister... They can use any bathroom they identify with
  23. Kasichis no dummy, he knows it's hard to run a State, let along a country with a inexperienced, unpredictable guy like Trump. Some bull **** is worth it, this much, not so much.
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