Come on now B, this is "Her Turn", get with the program now... The DNC found their way to this simple conclusion, why can't the rest of us?
For the Democrats who hates family lineage politics with the Bush's, this is almost worse....
To be honest, I'm disappointed in this race. I was expected to at least be entertained, but this is becoming nearly unwatchable. With so much at stake, most notably a Supreme Court for a generation, I wanted tight polls, contested voting blocks, strong debates and contrast on issues.... We've been robbed as voters, the carpet pulled out from under our ability to have a real choice. It feels like our country is slipping away into progressivism under a sad whimper. Real change was promised in 2008, but it looks more like Real Change will come in 2017 under a Clinton administration.... Yikes.
I figured his campaign team would reel him in, making him aware that is he just stuck to the talking points he'd win against such a crumby rival. He would literally be better served by say "no comment" to most questions. Trump is off the rails.