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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. Facebook is for jerk offs
  2. Trumps campaign manager is pretty impressive.....
  3. I don't know if I voted, I can't remember!!!!
  4. I wonder if the anti establishment ragers who ushered in Donald Trump as the nominee will be pleased with Hillary Clintons court choices... What a dumb election cycle.
  5. I saw that ship being built while in Maine... Very cool. Maybe until they can figure out what to bolt down to the Zumwalt, they could lease it out to charity events?
  6. At some point whining about the Media becomes like athletes who cry about the officials as an excuse to poor preparation, performance, etc. Trump is a worse candidate that I had originally imagined. Undisciplined. Anti PC only when it seems to be of zero political value, better yet detriment. Unable to speak competently about policy position, or articulating policy challenges. Election "rigged?", come on, you've run a garbage campaign and doomed yourself. I mean talk about the perfect candidate to not bring more voters into the fold for your party, holy ****, bullseye if that was the goal...
  7. The Boner is straight pimping today... 2 Twitter follows to 100, in hours... Pimpin
  8. Yes, the evidence is air tight
  9. Kenneth Bone = DC Tom..... I'm sure of it
  10. Hillary looks heavy in that pantsuit... Beautifully reviewed by just about everybody...huh?
  11. If he grabs Hillary by her kitty right know he's got my vote....
  12. Because the party line voters will hold their nose, and those on the fence take seriously what is at stake, i.e. SCOTUS. the lowest of the low general elections is the perfect Petri dish for a Hillary Clinton win... That's deflating to be kind.
  13. they're political persuasion aside, are they are solid candidate?
  14. overall a disappointing night for the Union, IMO. - Clinton- looked like a machine, well programmed, certainly more comfortable in the debate format, more polished and presentable as a politician which was to be expected. She looked frail to me, not during the debate, but after while walking he stage... my wife noticed to, and she really hasn't paid attention to the race much. I kept thinking to myself, "does Hillary grasp our problems, and provide good solutions?"....but I found myself thinking she will pack the court with liberals justices and reengineer the **** out of this country through the court. I've never been impressed with Hillary, still am not today, if I HAD to chose between the two at gun point, Id pick her because of the evil you know, which is not a ringing endorsement. Trump- I was hoping for more, got what I figured would be the case, a lot words in tangent form. He's not a politician, he's a clear outsider and it showed with his featherweight grasp of the issues. I found myself saying anti-establishment fervor is great, but what happens with the rubber needs to meet the road? I think he would bring management to a government out of control, but what about his interaction internationally, or even with the legislative and judicial arm of this country? yikes. He couldn't help himself, was regularly off topic, probably saying less would have helped. It would have been nice to see Ted Cruz in this spot, I'm not sure he would win the POTUS, but his campaign would be been much better from a presentation standpoint and he would have elevated the debate to more than, well, whatever that was last night. Hard to believe one of these guys will be sworn in next year....
  15. Election is not about us? Uh, yes it is Hillary... You're the candidate!
  16. Mrs Housekeeping.... It's not nice and I don't deserve it....
  17. I'd skip it, it's a train wreck
  18. Sheesh, why am I longing for Mitt and his binders of women....
  19. They're not allowed to cheer or clamp... He would at least been able to discuss policy in a concise way
  20. Trump really is a weak candidate, Cruz would have been excellent in this...
  21. Is it strange they are calling each other by first name?
  22. We needed to take the oil, now it's all over the place. Does she advocate Patriot Act policies?
  23. is that why I'm feeling this way?
  24. She hates black people? I guess we all do?
  25. They haven't hit on fiscal policy yet. Probably won't matter, this is a mess.
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