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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. I'd like someone to explain the notion of "buying insurance across state lines" and how it benefits our nation. our health insurance companies are national companies who pick and chose which States to do business in... the power now lies in each State to run their own insurance regulatory structure, will the Federal Government now take over that power?
  2. Republicans were at the Healthcare Summit discussion, John Boehner brought a blank sheet of 8 1/2 x 11 paper, held it up and just kept saying start over. they got a chance at input, they just weren't that interested in doing anything... and didn't.
  3. Wait, you don't think politicians using the convoluted 70K page tax code for political favor is a good thing? You're not suggesting we overhaul the entire thing to make it extremely simple to business within the United States, are you? you musnt even have the audacity to think States might follow the lead? Crazy. Everybody knows corporate hostage taking and thank you tours are all the rage.
  4. the Hail Trump and Salute was all part of a well orchestrated comedy routine.... i see that now
  5. those are the only people willing and skilled enough to keep themselves out of here......
  6. So do I apply at Alternativeright.com for the Wall Building jobs?
  7. yes succeed from a nation with 200 years of peaceful transfer of power, and a standard of living among the highest in the world... ,ales sense... advocate for States Rights would be the better solution, but I'm sure the hyperbole gets more clicks.
  8. I don't think many are in denial about the EC not working in the her favor, maybe some wingnuts who think the EC should be abolished. Hillary list because of hubris and complacency, she assumed she had the Blue Wall or whatever its called in place and those people we're "in the bag".... it will remain to be seen if Trump policies deliver on what rust belters desire, IMHO they crave a time long since passed that isn't coming back.... the point being, many butt hurt Hillary supporters have to look in the mirror and ask if they too we're complacent, and if they had been active, would it have been a different outcome?
  9. I have the mobile Progressive Bubble coming over to my house for TG. My only answer when it comes to the Election, near future: How many doors did you knock on for Hillary, how are you involved in a meaningful way for 2018? I assume that will shutdown any political discussion pretty fast.
  10. that was too exhausting to read and digest, put I called somebody a Polock just the other day.... Come to think of it, I thin kI made an off the cuff comment about someone being an MOT as well. pretty solid week
  11. Oh, i thought the thread title was "Ethnics".... that would have been much better
  12. that is incredibly funny......
  13. I would, but then again, I'm not a ghey or anything
  14. I don't agree. Its cost him in closing, and extended his loan which will increase the price tag over the life of the loan. He didn't have 20K to do a lump sum, but he could have had them paid in full in 12-18 months if he really focused on it. The rate difference was neglible on the student debt and his previous mortgage... extending the term of a loan only to reduce monthly payment seems smart, but in the total cost to you is really not very smart.
  15. Its really sickening that we have people that think a trillion dollar reduction in Annual Deficit is a big win, when running annual deficits in and of itself is completely unacceptable and ends most business and puts families in complete ruin. Again, the LTD isn't running up quite as much, but its still piling on. also, people don'y understand the difference between budget deficit and long-term debt. Its useless tying to discuss responsible policy with people like that, and that is 8/10 Americans. I tried to have discussion with a friend who did a cash out refi om his house and took the money and paid of school loans. He extended his term and lowered his payment. That's all well and good, but he counldn't wrap his head around the fact tha his 20K in loans would likely cost him much more now in the long run that just paying them off. He didn't get it, he was convinced he paid them off and they were done. my god no wonder people end up in debt forever.
  16. He's beholden to no one, no politician, no donor, none. He can push whatever policy is best, not pay back favors.... He gave th !@#$ you as much to GOP as he did to Democrats during the process.
  17. It's time to put the final shovel of soil on the Clintons. He could use energy to relitigate the old robotic almost first female first president, or move on to what will really help Americans across the nation.
  18. When you think about roughly 319 million human beings, all citizens of the richest country in the world, whom have come to "expect" the full breadth of medical advances in the last 40 years, it's staggering. When I look at kids circa 25-30 years of age right now, 25-30k in school loans, entry level homes in Denver 350k, jobs that begin 35-40k for most kids, not even talking Children yet, I think how in the hell will Americans ever catch up and take on a larger piece of their Heathcare financing pie.... Frightening, to be honest. Someway, somehow we have to cap our national outlay for healthcare spending, once the money dries up providers will have no choice but to adjust prices since there won't be demand... yep, that's an easy task allright! Let me guess your project... arranging Lyft to pick you and your boys up at the nursing home and getting to the foot doctor? Nail it, did I?
  19. Yuck. West of Nebraska is where's it's at. God's Country is what's it known as.
  20. No matter what we do with Healthcare, it will be costly. To me, its one of the single biggest threats to our country.
  21. People are Rubes, as long as the Republicans pass something new even it is has similar reforms people will be jerking each other off in the streets. they can do a full repeal and do a temporary continuation of Medicaid expansion and Pre-Existing Conditions items to a new Bill. The new legislation will be a bill of subsidies and tax credits to buy insurance, so very similar in some ways. i get the feeling people want things screwed up, just in a different direction.
  22. Block great Medicaid money to each State, or better yet give them the option to collect taxes for their own Medicaid type program. Give States the option to chose if they want help of not. Remove the Individual Mandate, but free up providers to turn people away who have no ability to pay, and deny people who have plans that won't cover all of a treatment plan (capped benefit). For people who do want insurance, do a Tax Credit or Subsidy if they need it. If people get bonuses at work, let bonuses go 100% untaxed to HSA's that will be used for services before deductibles are met. I'm torn on whether EMTALA needs revisited. There's a start.
  23. Its smart, there are tons of people who quit jobs and started businesses that are well of the ground and did so because they could get health insurance. He's a goon, but he's not Stupid.
  24. I hope when all the Californians leave I can pick-up a discounted property close to a beach. That would be great.
  25. It won't be disaster, most people lives won't change one bit. He'll pack his cabinet with a bunch of insider retreads and it will be back to business as usual. The jobs for the rust belt won't come back. Millions will lose healthcare insurance and won't be able to get any once reform is repealed. To me it will feel like circa 2004 again.
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