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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. Pulpit or not, Democrats aren't going to lift a finger- for 7 years the GOP has voted 50 times to repeal, did everything to undermine the ACA, boasted they had better plans... Trump has boated his secret plan is fabulous, covers everybody and is way less expensive.. day 1 this was supposed to be a done deal repeal.... now, your'revfaced with the reality the ACA was one gigantic compromise catering to EVERYONE, and now the GOP is trying to play the role of alchemist while denying the fact that the ACA was about a good a piece of sausage as sausage is going to be. Republicans have ALOT to lose and made big promises, many of them self conflicting. Democrats don't control anything, have few prospects nationally, and no motivation to get involved. Right or wrong, inherited or self inflicted, the GOP owns this now, they are the ones governing.
  2. Democrats have zero skin in this game if you think about it. If the Republicans don't repeal, they will be in trouble. If they do repeal and replace, they are probably still in trouble if that CBO estimate is somewhat accurate. At this point, repeal the ACA, patch legislation to keep ACA State based systems in place if the State chooses to do so, block grant Federal Healthcare dollars (exchange subsidies and Medicaid) for 3-5 years and tell States the Fed is done with Healthcare outside of Medicare after that. Its too big and Americans have no stomach for central planning for healthcare. that is well put. I think this is why Trump was so effective, he spoke and connected with people on real life concepts- Saving 37B a year over a decade is fabulous, but for most Americans not all that meaningful when you have healthcare as one more thing to worry about because you cant get coverage..
  3. im bewildered things like Safe Spaces and Trigger Warnings... I admire gents like Tom Coburn, and find myself really enjoying reading The American Conservative.... I'm probably shifting more right as I get older, but more importantly wiser.
  4. tell that to the mother who was crying frantically on the phone with me last week whose son can't find a PCP because he has medicaid. she seemed pretty concerned.
  5. What exactly are "healthier habits", and who decides the sweet spot for resources/ pharmaceuticals the elderly use? The irony, the original PPACA bill passage include doctor/ patient compensated planning time for seniors, and we got the term coined "Death Panels"... Panels are vogue now? The Across State Lines notion creates quite the quandary for States Rights conservatives... if anything I'd expect the Ryan plan to Block Grant Federal money to each State and defer to them to create their own coverages systems, or, leave it to States to collect taxes from citizens to fund Heathcare initiatives and create incentives to do so.
  6. Hey Eric, good to hear from you- we're back in Denver, and happy to be so- you still here? Denverbroncos.com still host a MB- overmoderated and ridiculous, but still present
  7. When I hear Union I think Jobs Bank- and how ridiculous that concept really is.... and recall in 2007 when America auto makers were on the brink and Union leadership wouldn't budge... let labor markets figure it out, it's the most effiecent way... Diesel makes it over from BBMB- I'll be dipped in ****....
  8. Over here, watch out for old coots like DC Tom- and when I say watch out, I mean for your corn hole... he's sneaky
  9. That placed sucked when they shut down the politics sub... this place is way better Wow, it really is gone- what a dig **** organization in every way possible, they deserve to suck as bottom dwellers, which th don't seem to mind doing... !@#$ OBD
  10. I haven't seen anything like this since that Anita Bryant concert....
  11. of course, but when they single largest source of purchasing power on earth signals its willingness to spend as per usual, as an investor im feeling pretty good about that kind of stimulus- just a matter of where to put the money.
  12. What's not to like about big time government spending for investors? Deficit spending and US Government credit is fabulous news. Ill believe Tax Cuts and Trillions in new spending in the context of balanced budgets when we see it....
  13. I thought that same thing... lol... I'm actually watching it, I think his response is quite eloquent- I just wish it were live.
  14. The Response to the Addresses are always weird...
  15. He should read and tweet from a script for 3 years, 11 months. There are many meaty parts that Democrats can get behind, the speech was quite good. He needs scripts more often, he is much easier to digest on script. Coincinctislly, I think his most rabid followers may dislike this speech... Nothing else from DC Tom... then I remembered he probably took out his teeth, drank a glass of warm Milk and went to sleep an hour ago.
  16. That's almost as big an intrusion in Healthcare than the ACA was... theoretically, the Feds get compete control versus partial control. It's coherent and on topic...
  17. He sticking to the TelePrompTer for 90 percent of it, he should do it more often.
  18. You can get one of those 100/month policies that excludes all kind of things you may need; and you can buy it from Mississippi... stop whining
  19. The Plan they want = cheap insurance that doesn't cover much....
  20. Much more digestible on teleprompter...
  21. It was a double down on a broken system, that tried to accommodate all interests, which is impossible. The GOP will do the same thing, instead they will allow policies that cover very little to be sold so people will see ii as "cheap", and when those folks get sick they will end up broke and in bankruptcy anyway... so do you want expensive policies that actually cover stuff, or cheap policies that cover very little... in a way, 6 in one half a dozen in the other because neither option really fit the needs of most Americans The only other options are cash market for services or a single payor risk pool.... out won't go anywhere so we get swinging back and worth of the ACA or the alternative but very much the same GOP plan.
  22. "I like people who survive cancer" - something Trump might say.. My condolences to his family, hardest in the survivors
  23. I love this Trump Administration.... 10PM on a Friday tweeting about CNN... we get it, you don't like CNN.... did Ted Turners son finger blast Ivanka and never call her again or something?
  24. if only Governing was slinging one liners to people who would walk into a burning building for you. A campaign rally, a bizarre substance free press conference and 30 days fighting with reporters is quite a start. Oh yes, and recovering those voting results of 90 days ago. Important stuff.
  25. calculated bull ****: you at least understand the political calculus of your efforts. stream of consciousness bull ****: who knows the motivation, or if he has any intention of understanding any tenants of the job
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