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Everything posted by B-Large

  1. I think he's saying "Basic Income", essentially automation on such a massive scale excess humans will not be required, but will exist... and it will be cheaper to just provide a basic government provided life.
  2. I wish I could get most people to leave me alone.... alonely I guess...
  3. Cheap policies that don't cover stuff when you actually need it, that's America at its best.
  4. The GOP controls the government, it could have been gone day one. They know two things, they can't take away something that improves people's lives in a meaningful way, and secondly their alternative ideas suck really bad. They're scrambling so furiously with an alternative shell game trick that the lacquer is wearing off the table. You thought the ACA was a boondoggle, wait until the GOP Heathcare alchemy team unveils their latest creation.
  5. No matter what budget cuts are made, they'll find the money for our welfare. That's uniquely American, cut taxes, cut budgets, cut everything but I still expect handouts. Can argue with that logic.
  6. I will now only refer to DC TOM as "they".....
  7. I'd rather erode the bull **** standard that college education is anything more that high school plus, and stop having people have to get worthless degrees to get jobs that can be done with high school diploma, or learned on the job.
  8. We're they fired from Apache helipcopters?
  9. the old "I thought this was just a regular weapon, oops my bad" situation....
  10. So Assad is winning the civil war in his country, why gas a bunch of civilians and provoke and outside power?
  11. Let's stop calling Chef Jims man lover his "girlfriend".... okay?
  12. Just like cutting taxes for the 400 richest individuals in the land while raising prices dramatically for everyone else... my god, just repeal the ACA in its entirety and do nothing... at least it would be honest.
  13. Foxx's mom....
  14. I don't think we are going to see a rennaisance anytime soon....
  15. The problem with Tax Reform will be a focus on rates, where in my humble opinion, you begin with a discussion about simplification of the code. You make it easy across the board for individuals, business owners and companies to do their taxes and plan accordingly. The you begin to discuss rates adjusted with cuts to program and increases in spending. But I get the feeling this will be the same stalemate discussion of Rates, Rates, Rates...
  16. Hard to know if it works until you actually try it....
  17. I'm not convinced they really care all that much about repeal anymore. I'm not convinced they are prepared nor interested in spending a year if not more, dedicating to it. 17 days, after 7.5 years essentially riding it into power.
  18. will they be unified, that's a big question. Everybody has a sacred cows, I think It will be very interesting.... I do hope they succeed, though.
  19. I have to think Tax Reform might be every bit as complicated to move on as Healthcare... maybe more so.... tackling that behemoth will be quite the endeavor, let's hope for minimal eye sticking and see what can get done.
  20. I wonder if health insurance without mental health services is what Consevatives had in mind when they said better mental health devices could help stop mass shootings?
  21. Trump is best digested through transcripts of his off the cuff speeches and addresses.... it makes even less sense written than it does spoken.
  22. A few years- I recall paying COBRA for 2-3 periods before our coverage kicked in, 1250/mo. What really sucked was when I covered adecitble in Maine for 6k mid year, then started over for a new one in Colorado mid year... then another the next enrollment period... theoretically 18k in decicle in 1.5 years.... that's when I decided to go back to work!!!!
  23. I don't think that's entirely true- there is a enrollment period, and you can buy coverage on with qualifying event. We bought ACA plan in Maine because I left my job, and bought plans in Colorado when we changed residence-both of these changes were out of the annual enrollment period, but we're qualified events. There was also a month or two delay to when the policy was active even though we were paying. Now if a sickness causes a job loss, then yes that is correct.
  24. Our President on Healthcare Act: "It's a big fat beautiful negotiation" Who can argue with a man who has such a way with words....
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